A Pomeranian’s Picture

'If it is really true that the two System Hosts don't know the existences of each other. Then…' Compass Carburettor thought, 'I should be able to drive a wedge between them. But, it shouldn't be explicit to the extent they become antagonistic to each other. A Quest would arrive from their respective Systems to prevent that.'

'It should be something that is brewing within them that I would be able to take advantage of only once. But, that should be definite.' A scheme brewed within his mind as Compass Carburettor continued to scale up the mountain.

After some time passed, he put on a worried expression, "Did Krager get lost?"

"He's been on this mountain enough times to never get lost." Neena snorted, evidently expressing her displeasure.

"Now, now, he's not that type of guy." Compass Carburettor smiled wryly, waving his hand in defence, "Maybe he sprained his legs and is now resting somewhere. We'll be able to find him once we reach the top."