Preparation Time

"Around a month, 45 days tops." Compass Carburettor knotted his brows, thinking, "That's the time of preparation I can obtain before my second face off against them."

He was unsure as to how many Systems would be sent after Rhizen this time. Moreover, there was one difference in the upcoming second battle. It was the fact that the Systems would be prepared against him.

Even though he hadn't left any traces the previous time, the Directional Misalignment System had been killed. Had Neena died naturally, it would have recondensed by now and returned to the System World or taken root within another human.

In that case, it would have established communication with the rest of the Systems by now. But, it hadn't done that. And, since the Coincidental Luck System had no plans on absorbing this ability that would only injure itself, there was only one conclusion.