The Leech Egg

The leech on the ground gazed at the hole before it, its upper body dancing for a couple of minutes before it slithered into the hole, landing onto a large serpentine creature. The serpentine creature was bleeding out from a wound, its body turning cold.

The leech moved through the cave, sensing around as it noticed Grisha's body turning colder, a sign of blood loss. And based on the scent of the dripping blood, it realised that she was the same individual that it had been feasting upon just recently.

Its attention then trailed over the serpentine creature, smelling its blood, approaching the area where six bullet holes existed, latching into it before beginning to suck in all its blood.

The serpentine creature's body flinched instinctively but nothing happened beyond that. It had already died since Grisha had accurately aimed at its brain, turning it into a mush.