Rallying People, Laying a Trap

"He's fast." Compass Carburettor muttered, sensing the position of the Spydragon in Rhizen's belongings, watching it travel at incredible speeds. As there were plenty of useful supplies in his bag, Rhizen hadn't thrown it away. As for the Spydragon, it was pretty inconspicuous in its serpentine form, having retreated under a fold in the bag.

So, Rhizen hadn't noticed its existence until now.

"Seems he obtained an ability related to flight, or one of his companions might have that." He muttered, having heard the conversations shared between Rhizen and others only occasionally. As the distance was beyond twenty kilometres, just connecting with his Spydragon expended more than 20 Darlac every second.

And this was in the case he was only listening to the sounds perceived by the Spydragon. If he dared to move it, the expenditure would have been too much for even him to handle.