Do You Recognise Me?

"They've been silent all along," Rhizen muttered in worry, his expression slightly pale as he had been waiting a couple hundred metres away from his house, gazing at a couple of thugs posted guard on the terrace.

"We can't wait any longer," Druvus said, "They have your girlfriend in captive. We shouldn't delay any longer. We'll break through the front door in one attack. I and Caithaleya will keep them busy while you infiltrate the manor. Your abilities are pretty invincible indoors."

"Wait," Just before it seemed like Druvus planned to take action, Caithaleya stopped them, sporting a frown as she spoke, "How long…have they been here?"

"What do you mean?" Rhizen's eyes widened as he realised what she was getting at. Even though he understood it, he didn't wish to think in that line of thought. For that was too pessimistic in nature.

"You've been away for more than one and a half months, during apocalypse even," Caithaleya spoke, not continuing further.