Mane Bull


Reddish-brown skin, greyish-yellow fur that resembled a mane, the body of a boar, and the head of a bull. As for its size, each of it spanned a height of two metres and a length of four metres.

The steps from each thumped the ground as hundreds of such Origin Beasts scaled towards them, forming a stampede. The horns on their head had grown in such a fashion that they formed helmets protecting the head and neck of the Origin Beasts.

Mane Bull!

It was an Origin Beast only located in the deeper regions of the Misty Gorge Ruins and rarely encountered by the cultivators. Its horns were one of the most desired materials to forge weapons and armours out of due to its toughness and great conductivity to Origin Essence.

It was the most sought-after material to create weapons that very much were considered heirlooms by even great Clans.