Cross a Hundred

"Guh!" Gulnar reeled from the punch to his face, grunting as ducked and clamped around his enemy, pulling him into the quagmire.

Of course, the quagmire wasn't even enough to fully trap Gulnar, not to mention his enemy as the both of them rolled into another location, with their bodies being in touch with six patches.

And shockingly, all of them had a moderate climate, ranging from mud ground to grassland. Gulnar was in disbelief as he was smacked in the face numerous times by his enemy, unable to understand just how his enemy was safe all the time.

Grunting in response, he suddenly evaded an attack, entering a nearby patch that his fingers flickered to turn into a moderate region as he did the same finger flick, rapidly changing the climate of the patch his enemy was at.

But, he was stupefied once again.