Emotional Impact’s Impactful Failure

System Skill—Emotional Impact!

Yaarliwar activated his System's Core Skill immediately, causing energy waves to fluctuate everywhere, intending to seep into the minds of others. There were two people in the range of the energy fluctuations.

But, when the ability tried to seep into the two figures, something blocked it, preventing it from affecting them.

Mental Energy Body Layer!

Compass Carburettor had shielded both himself and Rhizen with the same, preventing Yaarliwar's abilities from affecting them.

Skill—Emotional Trigger!



The Emotional Impact System activated a myriad of Skills, grunting when all of them failed. It didn't just use its own luck but also harnessed the luck of every other System that had died to date.

After all, this was their arrangement. So, whenever a System died, part of its powers would be retained by the Systems that remained alive.