What Should I Do?

"Grandpa!" A boy, aged six screamed in pain, clutching his head as he was sweating bullets, rolling around on his bed.

"Hazen! What happened?" His grandpa rushed into the room upon his shouts, gazing at the child that was in pain, hurriedly inspecting his condition, unable to notice anything amiss.

"People are…hurting, grandpa!" Hazen shouted, clutching his head as he continued to tremble in response, "They are hurting!"

"Take in deep breaths," His grandpa said in a hurry, rubbing his back as he watched Hazen follow his advice.

As Hazen continued to take in deep breaths, his pain gradually subsided. But he was still full of tears, sobbing as he said, "There's hunger and war everywhere."

"It's alright, our village is peaceful." The grandpa said in a soothing voice, gradually making Hazen calm down as he put him to sleep, "Now, have a good night. We'll talk in the morning, alright?"