The Main Character Awakens


An old man let out a breath of turbid air in worry, looking at the pitiful three Essence Stones in his savings. He had fallen sick, unable to work recently. And hence, he had to use up the meagre savings that he had accumulated when he was healthier.

He was alone. His son had been working as a servant to a Clan's young master. And when he had spoken out of order once, he was beheaded, and the punishment also extended to his family, resulting in all their deaths.

The old man had gone to a village far away to buy some local specialities as a present to his granddaughter, only to come to an empty, blood-stained house.

Even though he wished to seek revenge, he was just a weak old man while the other party was the young master of a powerful Clan of cultivators.

As the years passed, he gradually fell sick due to both age and worry, resulting in the current situation where even his hatred had cooled down, only leaving behind emptiness.