Wind Mage Vs Warlock

"Halt!" The coachman shouted as the entire caravan halted. As for the people within the carriage, none of them alighted, staring from within, peeking through some lenses they had attached along the walls of the carriages just for this purpose.

And they watched as the four-metre-tall creature stood calmly, obstructing their path forward.

The coachman stared at the creature, trying his best to remain calm when he noticed the creature turning its head to stare at him. And then, it spoke…

"We've already had our fill for the day. Defeat me and you can be on your merry way." It was a simple statement, but one that caused everyone to be on high alert.

The creature's skin resembled stone as it exuded a powerful aura, covered with tattoos and tiny horns a centimetre in height peaking all over its body.

Rock Ogre!

It was an infamous warring race that possessed terrifying strength, enough to take on dozens of similarly-strengthened foes alone.