I Know Why I’m Called Regriel

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Thunderous sounds resounded as a group of Goblins chased after Tehela, shouting from time to time.

"That's princess Tehela! Capture her! She must know about the Shaman King!"

The Goblins too wondered the reason they still maintained their evolution despite losing their Shaman King, realising that all answers would be discovered through Tehela, for it was in search of her did the Shaman King leave his kingdom behind.

Therefore, even though she had become a Human, they were still able to track her down. After all, she was a human only in appearance alone. She was in essence still a Titan.

"Huff! Puff! Dammit, they're persistent!" Tehela grunted in exhaustion, trying her best to absorb as much of the ambient mana as possible to replenish her reserves. "No matter where I teleport, they've managed to follow us."