In My Past (Part 5)

Arnark jumped onto a tree branch as he stared at the horse-like Magic Beast that was drinking water from a pond. Appearance-wise, it resembled a horse, sporting a coffee-brown skin colour. The only oddity was its golden mane and tail that emanated a mana fluctuation.

'This horse will be pretty useful.' Thinking as such, Arnark condensed a metal net that he threw with all his strength.

The horse reacted as it leaped forth, intending to escape when Arnark snapped his finger.

Suddenly, a metallic creature emerged from the metal net, controlling it as the net flew in the air and chased after the horse, constricting it in the end.

Arnark looked around, heaving a sigh in relief to see that his actions weren't noticed. He then looked at the metallic creature, whispering, "Why did you come out?"