Human Invoker

On the outskirts of Tentuna City, Stencil was accompanied by Aronaut and Gehera as they made their way towards the mansion that led into the secret dimension Slayer had created.

Horan was already out of the loop as there was too much that he wasn't privy about. Hence, Stencil didn't bother telling him anything, leaving the place with Aronaut immediately. Gehera was a System Slayer that had yet to awaken her powers, so Aronaut brought her with him too.

"Wait, where's the house?" He frowned in surprise upon seeing a desolate landscape in the location where a mansion used to exist for at least a couple of centuries in his memory.

It was obvious that Slayer had relocated the entrance, for it served no use anymore, as all the System Slayers that he had been nurturing were now part of Aero Society. Hence, he had to take steps to prevent their retaliation.