Vicious Predator

'Where is this?' Runka frowned, flailing his hands around as he shouted, "Pilkan! Fowma! Heela! Are you there?"

"I'm here!" Pilkan said, followed by Fowma and Heela. Though, none were able to see each other thanks to the mist that was dense enough for visibility to be zero.

Runka extended his hand in the direction of Fowma who sounded the closest, "Here, grab my hand!"

After some mild difficulty, Runka managed to grab hold of Fowma's hand, sighing as he was just about to search for the others when he felt the hand grabbing him lose all strength in its grip, "Fowma?"

"Kyak!" Fowma collapsed to the ground, screaming in pain as Runka stared at the severed hand in his hold, stupefied for a moment before rushing to her help, bringing out his Invoked Spirit to defend against whatever threat had attacked her.