Raiding a Ship

"Isn't this Pilkan?" Kowla muttered in confusion, staring at Duketace in alarm, "Did you fool me after all?"

"Idiot," Duketace only snorted in response before smiling wryly at Compass Carburettor, "I'm sorry, she's a bit slow on the uptake."

"That's fine, she's young and ignorant." Compass Carburettor waved his hand casually, "It's not her fault."

He then looked at Kowla, "You can address me as Pilkan to keep things simple."

'The appearance is the same but he seems like a different man now.' Kowla had been observing his actions until now, able to notice that the way Compass Carburettor sat, exuded power and authority, and the way he gazed at her were entirely different than the Pilkan in her memories.

The original Pilkan's face reddened every time he stared at her, not to mention him looking like he didn't know what to do while in her presence, acting awkward most of the time.