Kekumi Xetuka

"Fuck!" Limokrocus screamed in anger upon seeing his surrounding painted in reddish-black, a result of smoke and fire intermixing volumetrically.

He had transformed into a Magic Beast specialised in defence, having erected a barrier to safeguard the elites of their army. Pseudo-Saint took the greatest priority, followed by Grandmasters.

And he covered as many Masters as his barrier could protect safely without compromising the survivability of the rest. Lakhs of Lizardmen died as the sky collapsed.

The burning metallic meteors caused the earth to rumble from the impacts as all the moisture from the marshlands vaporised, creating steam explosions that caused a second degree of shockwaves to course through the land, cracking it up.

Lava began to ebb out of the worst impacted craters, raising the temperatures of the place.