How Systems Steal Power from the Native Worlds

[Disaster, prone by chaos. In its wake, I awaken.]

Forbidden Tale!

"W-What the heck is…aaarghhh!" Fenn bellowed in pain as mysterious words echoed in his ears, nonstop. Even when he closed his eyes, the sound produced by the mouths at the end of the tentacles only raised their frequency to penetrate his hands and reverberate his eardrums.

A thin thread approached Fenn's left eye, taking advantage of his momentary confusion due to pain to slide between the eyeball and the eyelid, creating a layer that glowed faintly.

And displayed on it, glowing softly were words forming the Forbidden Tale. In his vision, it was as if a wall was hanging before him, displaying a set of words constantly. After all, this layer was transparent, just like a contact lens.