A Genre Representative Entails…

Martial's worlds consisted of those based in the Murim—world of martial arts. The thing with these worlds was the fact that as they developed more, they branched out into other genres. This caused them to eventually contain more influence of a foreign genre than their own, resulting in such worlds breaking out of Martial's grasp.

The integration of technology in a Murim world caused technology to develop to a level beyond which the power of martial arts was almost nullified. Learning martial arts was just a means to extend one's life and maintain a healthy body.

It was especially amplified since the peak represented by warriors of the Murim wasn't too tall. It could be eclipsed by technology. The majority of its strength could be countered by a barrage of bullets or the like.

Therefore, such worlds broke free from Martial's grasp and went under Technocraft—the representative of the futuristic, technological development, and Sci-fi genres.