Pandora’s Box

"What the…" Zaira was alarmed as she looked around, noticing that she had appeared in the void of an unknown universe, one where her Systems hadn't set foot yet. But the moment she had this thought, the sounds of dogs barking echoed nonstop, in her mind.

"Keuk!" She screamed as the barking sounds continued to grow louder and louder until she was unable to hear her own thoughts, grumbling in pain as she stared at a certain entity that had been standing before her at a certain point in time.

"Zaira, why did you visit me?" The entity was of course Mystique, the representative of everything eldritch.

"By mistake," Zaira said as Mental Energy burst out of her, causing her body to slam forth like a rocket and break past the barrier of this universe.

But strangely, even after she left that universe, the sounds of dog barking continued to echo in her mind. Moreover, even the new universe that she had ventured into wasn't connected to the Astral Network.