Immortal Enters His Golden Age

An Invoker developed their Dreamland to unleash a certain effect throughout their lives. Usually, they focused upon the Invoked Spirits the most, relying upon Scrolls to give them beneficial powers.

For example, through the Senses Scroll, Kowla was able to tap into the superior eyesight of her Eagle Invoked Spirit and observe the world through its perspective. This also allowed her to control the Eagle Invoked Spirit more accurately, for she no longer had to depend on her perspective alone, which might be hindered during a battle when she had to fight while hiding.

As Compass Carburettor evolved this power through Secret Society, every Secret Society member was akin to an evolved Invoker.

And, depending on the Mental Fragment a member absorbed and develops their Dreamland, their overall power varies. If they absorb Mental Fragments created out of using Spirit Morph on lava, then the power of lava would course through the Dreamland and Invoked Spirit too.