Tell Me Your Plan


Gehera woke up at the sound of the alarm, still feeling tired as she instinctively looked into her Ruin of Amagoth, searching for a power to get rid of her exhaustion, controlling herself a moment later, recalling Compass Carburettor's statement where he wished to rely on his powers less and experience things personally, 'Yeah, I should do the same too.'

'Wait, yesterday…' Her eyes widened suddenly before shooting towards her left, noticing the figure of Compass Carburettor sleeping there, 'He's here!'

'Is he really asleep though?' Thinking as such, Gehera gathered her wits and crawled closer, poking his cheek with her index finger, noticing that he felt…humane to the touch?

Moreover, there was a bit of warmth to it too, just as a human would, surprising her, 'Shouldn't there be a difference due to the Mental Fragments?'