Villain Millie

"If there exist three dumbasses in this world, you're all of them." Vahor's Villain self stared at Vahor to state in mockery, "Why be a Hero when you have to beg others to help you?"

"Was your tongue always this sharp?" Millie eyed Vahor.

"Of course not," Vahor shook his head, "Cringe is my ultimate foe. And that's not part of my character."

"See that," He pointed at the Villain Vahor, "See his gaudy clothes. Villain my ass. His cringe alone is so destructive."

Millie didn't say anything and frowned as she stared at her Villain self. 'It seems he made our villain selves target us first respectively.'

She jumped from her table and leaped to the side, watching a rock slam into it.

The Villain Millie carried a bag of pebbles with her that she juggled casually. And to attack, she erased all its air resistance before chucking them at Millie. Due to the lack of air resistance, the pebble flew at its initial velocity and impacted with a bang.