Contacting the Heavens


A Five-Star Invader slammed a wall to smithereens, raging as he bellowed, "My brother is dead!"

He glared at the Four-Star Invader before him, "Grunto! You said the peak powers of the 24 Rings are only the level of our Two Stars. Then, how the heck is Brunnul dead? He might be lacking, but he's still at Five Stars."

"Based on my data, there exist two entities in the 24 Rings that are terrifying. The Genesis Hero and the Contained Villain. But even they shouldn't have been able to kill Brunnul." Grunto, the Four-Star Invader spoke. He was the Special Advisor to the Five-Star Invader, an Invasion Expert that had accomplished countless feats in other worlds.

"Find out the cause quickly, Grunto. Otherwise, off with your head." The Five-Star Invader glared, unable to rein in his anger.

"Please leave it to me." Despite the threat to his life, Grunto maintained his calm and exited the meeting room.