What Do You Think of Me?

"Don't argue with idiots. They would bring you down to their level and beat you with experience."

Compass Carburettor smirked, "I'm pretty much doing the same thing here. Doesn't development have two paths? One where you improve beyond your foe and two, where you pull the enemy to your level and then push them below you."

"I'm following the latter."

"So, if I get this straight…" Gehera thought for a minute as she oriented her thoughts, "You would turn your enemies into mortals, humans I mean?"

"Gehera is smart!" Compass Carburettor clapped comically, "That took you a minute?"

"Ugh, don't boast your computing speed." Gehera said when suddenly, she froze in shock as she pointed at him, "Is t-that why you have a world full of yourself?"