Zaira Roars, Slayer Licks in Anticipation

"Shit! Shit! Shit! Fuck!" Zaira's frustrated screams resounded throughout the System World as she was unable to access that particular universe after Compass Carburettor shattered her projection and destroyed the Astral Network in that universe.

Zaira's mood worsened as she thrashed about within the System World, scaring all the Systems as she continued to holler her lungs out, "That fucker, Compass! How did he attain such heights?"

  Her screams continued to increase in pitch, but they were in truth hiding the fear brimming forth from deep within her, "A Genre Representation…how?"

"How is it possible? How did he attain it, and so quickly at that. Just how can this be true?" She was getting insane at the unbelievable possibility that she had witnessed.