Avatar of Humanity

"I had lived a fulfilling life until now, Your Lordship," Pnolli spoke as he stood on the branch of a tree situated partway up a mountain and stared at his village which resembled a town now. "I don't have any other desires."

"Seems you're on the last stretch of your life." Compass Carburettor said, having appeared behind the old man.

"You look exactly the same as before." Pnolli smiled wryly, "Even though I am content, at times, I just can't help but feel envious of the power you possess."

"Limitless knowledge and endless creativity, not to mention being a perineal being. I wonder how that is," He sighed, "Especially since even to this date, I've yet to become even a Spirit. I'm only borrowing power all along."

"So, why?" He stared at Compass Carburettor with a saddened expression, "You should know with clarity that I've been harbouring thoughts and jealousy towards you all along. In recent times, I've even thought of ways to steal your power."