A Surprise Retaliation

"H-Here is today's pay. N-Now, please give me my elixir!" A man wobbled into the home and threw his wages for the day on the table.

"Elixir? Hahaha!" The lady of the house laughed in response before pushing forth a glass, "Since you worked hard today, I've filled the glass. Consider it your honour and relish it."

"Y-Yes, I will, definitely." The man grabbed the glass in a hurry and gobbled up its contents like a man in the desert that had chanced upon water after days of thirst.

The moment he finished downing the last droplet, he collapsed to the floor, snoring hard, not even having the energy to twitch a finger.

"Such a coward." The lady muttered casually as she threw the glass in the sink. Obviously, she wasn't going to clean it. Whether it was to do the dishes, wash the clothes, clean the house, or even bring in wages, her husband did everything.