Peddler’s Monke Taunts

'How have they been taken advantage of by Peddler?'


This question puzzled Nefear, for every time they raided a region, there were plenty of eyes on their actions, from both sides. So, it was impossible to go against that and trap them in debt.


Moreover, Nefear was unable to even determine how they had fallen into debt. What debt? When everything they needed was on Inron. So, it didn't make sense.


'There should still be a few.' Thinking as such, Nefear made a beeline to the granary of the closest city, bursting into it to see a family of four kneeling on an empty floor, having sold all the food products. From meat to grains, including the seeds, everything had been given away to repay their debt.


But unlike before, Nefear didn't kill them out of anger. Instead, she glared at them to ask, "Why did you do this?"


"Didn't we give you everything you need?"