
"Huff…puff…" Shanzoa panted as he continued to run, using narrow alleyways to throw off his pursuers. He looked around before breaking into a home.




The woman of the house screamed in fright and threw a utensil at him. Whacking it to the side, Shanzoa flinched in pain, for the utensil was heavier than he had expected. Upon observing no other change in his System, he rushed out and barged into a hotel, his face paling in response when nothing changed.


'Did I overthink it? Shit!' He became flustered in response, when suddenly, an idea sparked in his mind. He left the place and sauntered towards another restaurant, knocking the door. It was fitted with an AC and hence, the doors were closed.


"Please enter." A waiter opened the door and prompted his entry.