Concept Representative—Space

"A-Ahjar, what the heck are you doing?" Whaccha stared at her son in fear, watching him inch towards her, knife in hand, "I'm your mother, damnit!"


"I'm well aware," Ahjar smiled calmly, but he continued to approach her and in the end, staring right into her terrified eyes, he brought down the knife and plunged it into her head.


Blood spurted out of her forehead and sprayed all over his body. Ahjar stared at the blood in all seriousness as he focused, extracting traces of information from her body. A few seconds later, he turned around and rushed out of the house.


Right as he left, the room lit up as Lore and Tell-Tale inspected her corpse, observing a fraction of her data had been stolen. Thankfully, unlike the clobbered corpse from before, her soul wasn't affected.