Cheat Wielders

Crack! C-Crackle! Kaboom!


A tentacle squeezed in through a crack as an eye popped out from its end. The eyeball looked around before focusing on the energy-condensed form of Zaira that had just recovered. Tiny creaks spread out from the crack as the tentacle widened in girth, applying pressure on the edges of the universe boundary along the crack.


Before soon, the tiny cracks caused large fragments of the universe boundary of the System World to fly out as soon enough, a massive hole was created, enough for a quarter of Technocraft's body to enter.


The world-devouring beast opened its mouth and began to suck in the Mental Energy of the System World voraciously, alarming Zaira who retaliated.


Dozens of Grade 3 Core Skills were activated to send Technocraft flying out and successfully patch the crack.