Representation War (Part 4)

Through a steep forest ran Hazen, in his Haggon form. Currently, he was vastly weaker than before. But, that didn't matter much, since he could grow once again.


Moreover, his growth here would directly assist him once he exits Central Plains. The reason they focused on Darlac was that it was innately universal, just like Mental Energy. Every single flesh and blood organism had stamina. Darlac was pretty much a condensation of that stamina.


Even though Hazen had a human form when he fought, he was basically an entire universe. After all, his body was pretty much two Cultivation Worlds that had fused together.


Once he was assimilated by Central Plains, all that foundation poured into his Darble World, creating a liveable space thrice the Earth's size. Currently, it was devoid of life.


But, forming massive structures was Darble that had been condensed by the combustion of his foundation.