Adebola gestured to Debby to take a seat beside him at the already prepared dinner table with assorted meal options. The room was beautifully lit with dim candle lights and a white table cloth embraced the table. There was only two chairs and she wondered how they were going to finish the meals themselves.

As a pastor's child, she had been brought up in modesty, such extravagant lifestyle was new to her.  The "party Jollof" rice smell was too enticing to pass up on. So she opted for that in her mind, afraid to voice it out. There was also Egusi soup and pounded yam decorated with large chunks of assorted cow meats parts. Fried spiced turkey serenaded the table on another platter, alongside several fruits. Debby had never seen a dinner for two arranged like this. Adebola insisted she made a choice while a steward who stood quietly at the back of the room dished it on her plate.

Soon afterwards, they settled to eat with Adebola feasting on two wraps of pounded yam and Egusi soup. Debby envied his choice, as she almost changed her mind from the rice on her plate. They ate in silence as neither said a word to another. Their chewing and swallowing was relatively silent as well. The steward was also absent as she turned to notice that they were alone. Debby wondered what was going through his mind when he invited her for such an adventure.

Adebola has had quite a moment since he woke up this morning. His investors in Japan were suddenly giving him cold shoulders because of an article hinting that he was gay. For heaven's sake he was not, he just wasn't into any woman right now because all of them were bloody thieves to him. His heart was still shattered from what his ex Maureen did to him and he doesn't intend to forget it in a long while.

Gulping a cold glass of water which was the only sound in the room after a while, he stared at her which made Debby more confused. "Tell me about yourself" he said.

"There's nothing to tell, I studied financial management in school. I am an only child of a Pastor whom you already know. I am just there." She replied quickly as she had always recited to anyone who asked her same question.

The last statement came out of a place of pain as she recalled that she should have been a "Mrs Marcus now." Without warning, the lone tear rolled down her eyes."Am so sorry, It just escaped"She apologized immediately. Adebola watched her and he discovered he was puzzled about this plain girl. She was not his type in any form but she sparkled his interest keenly.

"Any reason you are this sad?" He inquired. "No, it's just an overwhelming emotion. Am so sorry about that." She added. "Anyways what have you heard about me since you started working here?".He continued. "Nothing sir. Absolutely nothing sir" Debby quickly responded. Adebola smirked knowing she was lying and scared at the same time.

"Are you in any relationship?"

"No sir" Debby swallowed the sobs that threatened to spill out from her mouth and wiped her eyes with the back of her palm. He watched her with intense gaze and she found it highly uncomfortable.

"Thank you for the food sir, I really appreciate it sir. I am most grateful". Debby stated so as to be dismissed from his presence since he had stopped eating and was intent on watching her. 

"Debby I would like to discuss something very private and personal with you". She squirmed underneath his probing gaze wondering what he wanted to share with her. "Yes sir I am listening" she answered as though he needed permission to speak to her.

"I would like to marry you." He blurted out without any emotion attached and this threw Debby off balance. She widened her gaze in amusement but he scowled instead which made her frightened.

"As you know, a lot of people assumed that i am gay since I do not have wife and it is affecting a few of my investors mindsets towards doing business with me. Hence, I need a wife from a good background in my arms for show when I attend the investors dinner in two months time."

Debby suddenly felt a wave of heat crawling across her face and without any warning, she blurted out.

"Excuse me sir, are you okay? I mean, you couldn't see any other beautiful woman, models, actresses, or even any of the staffs that likes you, you choose me?, Please sir, I am not interested. Thank you for the dinner sir. I enjoyed it but now it tastes like ash." Debby got up surprisingly still very angry.

" Will you sit down there?" Adebola barked, breaking every word as he spoke, which sent her flying into her seat with fright.

" Don't get me wrong, I don't like you. You are too thin and plain for my taste. But your decent background is a convenience for me. I don't want girls who have eyes to drain a man or an unintelligent dimwit in my arms while speaking to future investors. It's bad for business." Adebola exclaimed.

"it's for a business reason, not a reason of love. I don't need a model or any of my staff for it. I do not believe in love and I am not looking for it. I want a partner with a brain". He takes a sip of water and noticed she was still as silent as a frightened child. 

" Am so sorry I yelled at you but you were behaving unreasonably. I  intend to pay you for every month that you are my wife. I will give you 30 days to think about it and reply me."

Debby could barely believe her eyes as she tried to process the scene before her very eyes.