Debby was suddenly full of pity and sympathy towards her boss Adebola. A man she had heard terrible things about. He was foul mouthed, loved his money and no one else could stand in his way. Despite hearing all these and experiencing it first hand at the dinner in his office, the walk away from her father into her room gave her a change of heart. She wanted to render assistance anyway she could.

Remembering her Marcus, he was a man who helped people he had not even met. He was known for being diligent and kind as a lifestyle. He reflected a calm spirit and would always encourage her to lend a helping hand to anyone in need.

It was obvious Adebola needed that help presently despite his arrogant character and absurd way of proposing marriage. He is prosperous, nonetheless but loosing two million dollars is not a good precedence for an enlarging corporation. 

She wanted to help him in ways that he didn't even ask for. Getting up from her bed after the phone call, Debby gazed at her self at the mirror by the dresser which was a gift from Marcus. This was one of the reasons she couldn't let go of the love and memories of Marcus forever. She saw how skinny and unattractive she seemed.. She had lost alot of weight and her once fair complexion was no longer radiant.  She understood why Adebola would think her ugly and not his type. But it didn't bother her because she was meant to look beautiful for only one man and he was gone!!!

Ignoring her perception on her looks, She started working on her laptop on financial management and strategies to save the company Incase of a recession. She would present these reports to Adebola the following day, so he could implement them, should an occasion for them occur. However she prayed such circumstances never presents it's self as a lot of staffs in the 500 staff payroll will be affected.

Immediately after service on Sunday, she pulled Adebola aside and showed him all her investigations and projections as they sat in his car together.  She still wore the hair-do that was obsolete. She looked brighter in her white blouse, brown coloured skirt and a ridiculous black flats on her feet. She needed a wardrobe overhaul Adebola thought to himself as he found himself analyzing every item on her body. She was still plain, bony and paled skin, besides she neither wore jewelry or makeup unlike her mother who looks very beautiful and fashionably dressed each time they meet.

However, he decided not to be so bothered with whatever she wore so she doesn't become uncomfortable. He instead chose to pay attention to what she was saying but again, he got distracted , by her stressed she looked. 

"Did you sleep at all last night Debby?" He asked looking at the dark circles underneath each eyes depicting their lack of rest.

"I did sir but look at this numbers, they could have be in your favour if you order the sailors to go for shorter routes of course." she showed him the sheets of paper in her hands with graphs and multiple calculations.

"How many hours Debby?" He found himself getting angry at the nonchalant way she handles her lifestyle especially her body.

"Why should it matter, I was not counting" Debby said without raising up her head from the papers.

"I need you alive and healthy not sleep starved and unappealing". He stated, stressing every word.

"You are worry too much like my mother". she said, still not looking up from the reports on her laps

"It's better to be worried, healthy and safe, than reckless, sick and uncared for which could kill you." He attacked, raising his voice a little higher to drive home his point to the stubborn woman in front of him.

She looked up this time, sad as though she remembered something painful or someone. He knew he had struck a nerve this time.

"Am sorry for raising my voice. I am just so concerned about you." He pleaded.

"It's alright. I understand. I was just too carried away" she shrugged.

"I know. But promise me that you would take care of yourself more and I will do all you recommended in these reports." He smiled stretching out his harms for a handshake to seal the deal.

Debby laughed at this gesture and took the hands.

"I told your father that I would like to marry you" he blurted out.

"When? So soon, he will know something is up and would reject outrightly"

"Immediately after the service was over. I met him and told him, that I want to do the right thing. It is fair our parents know of the intention even if, we end up not being together. I don't want people to see us together and gossip about it, calling you names. I told him that you are too valuable for such scandals and he agreed." Adebola said.

"You are such a smooth talker" Debby teased.

"Not really the case. I was just being sincere."

"So what did he say?, I bet he asked you to leave his office politely." She asked sarcastically.

"So not true.He told me to be your friend first and be prayerful about it. He also warned me to be cautious of the fact that you are heartbroken and your judgement may be clouded."

"That went smoother than I imagined it"