Driving home alone at night time, he gazed at the beautiful bouquet of roses he had gotten and a box filled with Arabian chocolate for Debby. Let the seduction begin! he smiled as he drove into his compound. He knew his ability in the areas of the opposite sex which was a solid success in attracting any woman to himself. He whistled as he highlighted from his car into his castle.

He met her absence in the living room, which he pretty much expected for it was late in the night already and like in the morning, he asked Fiona if Debby has had dinner to which Fiona answered in the positive. He knew she was in her room because he had locked his room in anger before they headed to church in the morning. Adjusting himself as he approached the stairs, he heaved in relief not realizing how nervous he had been coming to seduce a small girl.

He heard the television sound as he arrived at her door. With just a knock, he turned the nob and walked in. She was curled up on her bed watching a cartoon. Looking all gloomy as usual. Anger hit him at the first sight of her, remembering the nonsense she said about him but he adjusted him self again because he was a man on a mission.

"Hello Debby how are you?" He asked smiling as he walked towards the bed.

"Am fine and you? she responded looking away from the television for only a small moment and returning her gaze back to it.

"Am alright. I got this for you. I hope you also like chocolates. I hear they make a woman sleep well at night." He offered her the gifts.

Rising sluggishly from the bed, She raised herself to receive them and appreciate him.

"Thank you Ade. It's very thoughtful of you." She replied still looking sad as she smelled the roses, keeping them by the bedside.

"What happened Debby? why are you not happy, did anyone offend you? Adebola battered her with so many questions at the same time, worried about her countenance.

"No am alright. I just wondered...." She stuttered.

"Wondered what? Debby speak up, you know you can say anything to me" he encouraged her moving closer to her on the bed, until he sat down beside her looking into her eyes as he raised her head. They looked like perfect lovers in that moment.

"I wondered where you went to after the service.You looked like you regretted the whole marriage thing and I suddenly wondered if I did the right thing." She broke down in tears lamenting and he suddenly found himself feeling guilty.

She sobbed softly like it was an emotional rollercoaster inside of her. He wondered if she was really regretting or missing Marcus.

"Am so sorry my dear." He apologized. "I went to have a talk with my friend Fred, you met him at the wedding right?. We had the talk at the office and that was it. It was so urgent and am sorry for not telling you" He lied swiftly, pulling her into his embrace casually which she did not reject. Maybe he was winning after all he said to himself.

"Is the company okay?" Debby asked after some seconds in his arms which caused them to disengage from each other.

"Yes the company is fine.why wouldn't it be?" Adebola responded.

"This one you are having meetings on Sunday, it's quite scary." She stated.

"Oh there's nothing to be scared about as a matter of fact have some chocolate. It will brighten your mood." Adebola encouraged, opening the box of chocolate, he took out a packet and offered her with his hands. At first, he hesitated giving her, thinking she wouldn't collect it, but this naive girl took it and in the process, licked his hand so innocently.

This act sent reactions to his brain and he knew an eruption was pending downwards . "Let go to my room" he quickly offered his hand to help her stand. "The television there will still have cartoon." He continued as he helped her with the box of chocolate.

"Okay" she said and took his hand to enable her get up from the bed with ease. She wore another pyjamas with red love shape drawn over the pink attire and her breast without a bra revealed the persky erect nipples. Adebola could admit to himself that he was under torture as he gazed at her body hard imagining how she looked without clothes and this made his member harden the more. Slowly they walked hand in hand to his room. 

He switched on the television as soon as they entered his room, while she settled on the bed eating her chocolate. "Do you want some wine? I have quite a collection in my fridge here" He offered nicely.

"No! am sorry I don't drink" She declined in a shy manner. 

"They are not alcoholic Debby. As a matter of fact, they are 100% fruit wine." He explained.

"Oh" she exclaimed in surprise.

"Yeah, I don't drink alcohol too" he offered that piece of information, perplexed as to why he did that.

"Okay." She accepted.

He poured out a glass of red fruit grape wine for her, keeping the chilled bottle by her bedside table and she stopped to accept it while devouring her chocolate. 

Adebola watched her innocently and wondered if he was seducing her or she was the one winning innocently in the seduction aspect.

Taking off his attire leaving his boxers and socks on, he strolled to the bed exposing his perfectly primed exercise body with glaring ribs packs which makes the ladies drool in London whenever he Uses a public gym. He hoped this would get her aroused at the sight of him.

Debby casts a brief glance at him seeming unaffected by his sexy body, continues watching her cartoon intensely. Feeling his ego stroked a bit, Adebola didn't know when he spoke.

"Feed me" he said calmly in low  tone and a seductive manner.

"Huh?" Debby muttered as usual when she lacked words to say.

"Offer me some chocolate and wine," he insisted again.

"Oh" she smiled and showed him the box to pick from. He had expected her to actually feed him the way he did but she was too focused on the cartoon.

Feeling frustrated, he collected a piece and as his tongue collided with the exquisite taste of the melted cream, he knew this night may not end well for his agenda if he did not take matters into his hands.

"Debby how was your sex life with Marcus, am sorry for asking. I want to know how frequent you had sexual intercourse because I just don't want you to be horny and frustrated at our arrangement together, you know I care about you" He said staring deeply into her eyes knowing she was probably a virgin or maybe not.

"Am okay. Our arrangement is fine. I won't be frustrated, I promise" she answered absent mindedly.

Feeling triggered, Adebola walked into his bathroom, removing all his towels and putting them outside, he entered into the bathroom closing the door. He stripped naked, turning on his shower to let the water rinse out the tension threatening to explode in his body. Washing his body with a body wash, his organ came to life, thinking of how sexy Debby looked in those pyjamas of hers. Using his hand, he worked on it until its full length was in view and stopped just as his phone began to ring.

"Debby please can you help me with my phone. I think it's an important call. I am expecting one"

"But you are in the shower." She screamed back. "It's nothing dear. I don't mind.Just help me with it." He said smiling to himself.

Opening the door, she said "Take please my eyes are closed."

"Open them Debby. There's nothing weird here, because I also need my towel. I mistakenly removed them from the bathroom."

The phone began to ring again and she had no choice but to open her eyes stretching the phone to his wet hands.

Debby stood still as her eyes connected with the large erect member of Adebola's body and this was his greatest moment of victory. He stroked it acting unconsciously as he received the call and she couldn't move. She had never seen such sight in her entire life except for mad men on the streets and it's usually not this big and erect. Debby eyes shine brighter making her mouth to slightly open.

Adebola allowed her to gaze at his naked body for a minute or two before turning away to give her his side view while talking to the client. After a few seconds, He said into the phone "Please hold on for a moment, let me speak to my wife. Debby can I go for a meeting tomorrow? I know we are supposed to be on our honeymoon but this client needs me." He winked.

She couldn't respond but just nodded to the request. Resuming his call and ending it shortly after, he spoke to her again.

"Debby please help me get my towel. Am a little cold. Please also help me to keep my phone" He said calmly. Moving like a robot, controlled by Adebola,she walked sluggishly away into the room and returned with the big white towel, reluctant to tear her eyes away from his body especially his erect member standing up in all of its Glory.

He felt good! Adebola One hundred and Debby zero! He gloated in his mind.