The meeting did not take as long as he had expected, hence he had alot of free time to himself. For some reason, he resisted going back home to meet that cunning seductive sweet girl he savoured last night. In as much as it was fulfilling to show her that she was wrong about him, he found himself wanting to please her over and over again. He wanted to bury himself deep inside the valley of passion. The last time that happened, he was hurt so badly. He had vowed never to open his heart to any woman on earth, maybe in his next life.

Having the nudge to do something else rather than go home to meet the appealing personality that is drawing attraction from his soul, he called his mother to find out when she was leaving for London so he could at least pay her a visit and offer her the use of his private jet, but got the surprise of his life as Debby picked the call.

"Hello my love!" She exclaimed into the phone." I know you are surprised and yes your mum is here. Please do come home" she exclaimed so cheerfully.

Debby had never been the happy type since he knew her but it was obvious sucking her innermost center drove her tongue loose and her jaws popping with smiles. If he had known that, he would probably have done it the first day he met her, rights on his office desk because she tasted like grape and peach all in one and he wanted another chance to drink from her fountain of youth.

What is wrong with me? Why is this girl suddenly under my skin? He questioned himself.He could see himself wanting her over and over and again. Tapping his head to return to a place of reasoning, he wondered why he wanted to taste her again. His plan of seduction had worked. She had seen his penis. Game over!! it's time to go back to being strict and firm before she ruins him.

Wanting to hang out with Fred, he remembered that his mother does not keep a closed mouth and she might tell Debby the story about his heart break episodes. Debby need not hear the story about how He almost killed his father and commit suicide. It will give her some perspective into his reservation about her manipulative gender.

He drove in such a speed he was sure was capable of getting him arrested in other countries with their speed calculating traffic cameras everywhere. Maneuvering his way home, he met more cars than he anticipated as he parked his car. Who else would be in there? He asked himself as he adjusted his tie walking briskly and before turning the door knob, Debby opened the door enveloping him in a frightening hug. This girl was indeed an actress and he was glad, she was in his employment.

"Welcome my love" she said winking. He realized they had more  company other than his mother. Debby's parents the Olatunji's were around as well. Exchanging pleasantries in hugs and handshake, Adebola sat down in one of the executive couches in his grand living room holding Debby's hand to seat by him. Putting his hand across her shoulder, he felt her tense but she hid it well which made him smile.

"I thought you would be on your honeymoon by now" his mother noted."I don't want us to go on one mummy, we have so much work to do right now at the office" Debby defended him without his asking for help.

"Why chose work over bonding Debby?" His mother asked again.

"The work can always wait my dear" her father chirped in.

"Your dad is right" Adebola's mum stated

"There's a couples retreat coming up in three days time, so park up your luggages. I already paid for you guys to have such a wonderful time. It's just for seven days. The company would not suffer for those days" Adebola's mother concluded.

"It's alright Mummy. We would go" Adebola said so his mother could let the issue slide.

"Are you sure about this?" Debby asked in a low tone that only Adebola could hear her.

"It's alright. We can go. It's nothing alarming" he replied.

The rest of the visitation went smoothly with Fiona inviting everyone to the table for dinner. While leaving, Pastor Olatunji pulled him aside while they were near his car for a moment.

" I could see my daughter radiantly dressed and smiling so much. Whatever you have done, I am grateful. You have no idea how helpless I had felt watching my daughter fade away from her happy self, but seeing how now, I am so glad. Thank you Adebola."

"It's nothing sir. As a matter of fact, I think she is the one gladdening my life" he faked the smile as the lie rolled down his tongue with ease but somewhere down in his mind, he realized she actually made him smile. They both shook hands as the pastor and wife bade his goodbyes.

Alone with his mother as she walked to her car, she turned to him

"This girl is too good for you, she is not like the others, I wondered what you said to get her to marry you" she whispered to him.

"You should not bother your head about it, it's none of your business, rather be concerned about the scoundrel of a husband that you have." Adebola said in anger.

"He is still your father Ade and he is sorry." She said sadly.

"Goodbye mother and next time, call me before coming to my house or speaking to my wife!." He ordered, walking away from her, he entered the house shutting the door loudly.

Debby was no where insight but he couldn't be bothered as he was very angry. Entering his room, he heard her voice speaking to someone in her room. He knew she was alone, so it must be a telephone call. As usual, the instincts to eavesdrop took over and he found himself by the connecting door again.

"Oh shade, yes they have left. I was dying to continue our gist"

Shade again huh? he wondered what they would be talking about. it's so unfortunate he could not hear Shade's part of the conversation, but without a soothsayer, he knew they were talking about him.

" Yes girl. I was melted like a cream under a blazing sun and I just can't fathom why he wouldn't continue with such a massive organ". She started laughing out loud.

"Yes what do you think I should do? you needed to have seen him in all his glory"

Adebola's head grew inches bigger in seconds and he knew he had won again. Adebola 300, Debby 0.

"ha!! that is extreme Shade. I don't even know how to use it? is it bad if I asked him to do it?" He wondered what that was about.

"Oh I didn't know o. So when can we get it? I really need it to ease the tension boiling inside of me every time I am near him".

"Okay. I would be ready. I hope it's not so expensive o? Because I'd rather invest in something else." what is she buying? Adebola thought.

"Does it come with a Manual because you know I have never used a vibrator in my life and I can't google that o."

"Okay, so tomorrow after work, we will go and get it together.

"Thank you girl for your support. I just wish he was normal like... huh.. let me go and check on him, he walked my parents out".

She ended the call and walked out of her room.

A vibrator in his house? NEVER!!!!!!