Feeling the urge to empty his bladder, Adebola attempted to rise up the next morning and discovered the sleek warmed body of Debby by his side. They were spooned into each other with her unclad backside pressed into his naked groin and this caused a serious hard on. Expecting that she would have left his side before he woke up, he listened to her heavy breaths, unknown to him that he was smiling feeling contended with her being near.

Adebola was confused about what he felt for this goddess who was fast asleep on his bed. He knew he didn't want to give any woman the power to hurt him, yet he found the company of Debby irresistible. Whatever the outcome of this encounter may project, he was sure he wanted to find out.

He moved gently from besides her to the toilet avoiding making sounds in other not to wake her up. Watching his expression in the toilet, he smiled yet again thinking of how much he enjoyed making love to her. After urinating, he washed his hand by the sink thinking of everything that happened a few hours ago. Coming back inside the room, he discovered that she was still fast asleep. Looking at the time, he discovered it was 7am, recollecting the events of yesterday, he knew she was exhausted, having to experience such intense moment for the first time in her life. He felt proud of her and somehow proud of himself for being her first 

She needed a heavy breakfast, he thought to himself hence he walked out of his room noiselessly. First he realized that he had to confirm if his mother was brought to the house last night. The episode with Debby made him forget dinner and even his mother.

Arriving at the bottom of the stairs, Fiona came out just before he could call her out, as though she was expecting him already.

"Good morning My Prince" she greeted with a courtesy boe. He had long earlier told her that he disliked being called "My Prince" because he hated the reminder that his father was royalty. This disdain he kept to himself and not wanting to spoil his exceptionally good morning, he ignored her short coming.

"Good morning Fiona. Was my mother brought home last night?" He asked with his eyes roaming around the house as if looking for any sign that his mother was in the house.

"Yes sir she was brought home by your father last night and they didn't want to wake you up".

"She was brought home by my what?" He asked thinking he was not hearing clearly.

"Your..... Your father sir. He introduced himself as that." Fiona stuttered in fear.

"Where is my mother? " Adebola struggled to remain calm but he was slowly loosing his temper.

"They are both in the assigned room sir." Adebola finally lost his cool.

"Fiona you let that man spend the night in my house!!!!!" he yelled.

"Sir I am so sorry" Fiona immediately knelt on the floor.

"I didn't know that he was not allowed." She pleaded as Adebola walked away from her.

"Shola!!!!" He yelled walking

"Shola!!!!!" he roared this time in fury.

"Where the hell are you?!!!" Walking towards the sets of guest rooms,one of the doors by his right hand side opened and his mother came out blocking the door to the entrance of the room.

"Ade why are you shouting your Father's name like that?" "Is it not too early for all these anger display?" She asked with sleepy eyes refusing to leave the entrance of the room.

"You allowed that bastard of your husband to spend the night in my house?" Adebola yelled

"Where is he?, Where the hell is your husband?" Adebola cussed out as he was filled with fury. Hitting two expensive flower vases by the corridor, they shatter to pieces waking the entire household but none of the staff dared come out to watch the fracas.

"Shola come out and get the hell out of my house. This is my house and you are not welcome here or I will bury you alive this morning" Adebola screamed like a warrior set out for battle. His father opened the door behind his mother unable to hide away from all the shouting. He wore a white tshirt with a short underneath it and for a second Adebola wondered who gave him nighties.

"Go back inside" His mother rebuked her husband afraid of what Adebola could do at that moment .

Adebola stared at the man who ruined him and launched at him aiming to throw out a punch on his face with his mother in the middle standing as a referee.

"Adebola you want to kill me oo" 

"I have high blood pressure and you are fighting your father this morning! Debby!! Debby oooo!" Mrs Adedotun screamed unable to wade off Adebola's attempts to hit his father who was not helping the issues.

"Why in the world are you calling my wife? She is sleeping". Adebola said realizing that he had a woman like that in the house and gradually his rapid breathing started to calm down .

"I want him out of my house this morning before I do anything we would all regret." He warned both of his parents.

"I have no where to go" Prince Shola replied his angry son.

" Go and stay in a damn hotel, I don't care but not under my roof. You are a bad omen, a poison and I don't want you here."

Just then Debby came rushing downstairs in one of his t-shirt only and her bare legs was a sight to behold. Her wig was curly settling in her shoulder. Her appearance was seducing to him.

"She is a natural beauty"

His father blurted out, holding his mouth as it was already too late to take back his compliment, causing his mother and himself to turn to him.

"Are you mad? How dare you compliment her? You want to screw her like Maureen huh? Adebola attacked his father again.

"What is wrong with you Prince Shola?. Why are you provoking this boy and disgracing him in front of his wife? Do you want him to kill you? Mrs Lola asked her misbehaving husband who gave no reply but looked at the gorgeous girl approaching.

Seeing what had transpired a few seconds ago, she refused to acknowledge Adebola's presence, instead, Debby went straight to his mother, bending to greet her like a true African woman,"Mummy you called me, good morning ma" recognizing his father, she also bended "Good morning sir."

"Baby let's go back upstairs!." 

Adebola reached out attempting to pull her arms. "Your mother called out to me and I want to answer her. Please wait." Debby replied him without looking at his face.

"Good morning my dear, am his father" Prince Shola introduced himself stretching out his hand to Debby.

"She doesn't bloody want to know!!"

Adebola shouted and immediately the outstretched hand was withdrawn as he was already fuming inside. "Debby upstairs.!!" He commanded louder and pointed expecting her to obediently follow him.

"Don't yell at me, I am not your child!" she shouted back at him and it startled him instantly quieting him and everyone else. Turning to his father, he heard her say "Welcome sir. My name is Debby. Ade's wife. You are welcome to our home.I will get the stewards to make your breakfast." 

Everyone's eyes were filled with surprises at the audacity of Debby.

"Mummy how are you? Did you sleep well?" Debby asked smiling and absolutely ignoring Adebola. He got infuriated and started walking upstairs but he couldn't leave Debby with his father remembering how much that man loves women.

"Am waiting Debby" he said loudly but not loud enough to annoy her as he stood at the tip of the staircase.

"Hold on Ade, I will join you, I know you want us to have our bath together."

Saying that deflated every anger inside of him. This woman was indeed a goddess, knowing the right words to say to him and turns him on. True to her words, he needed the bath.

"You must be a good girl. I didn't think my son would ever get married. Where did you meet him?" Prince Shola asked smiling at Debby.

"Prince will you keep quiet.Debby my night was fine. I am doing better. Please Debby go and attend your husband. Am so sorry I disturbed you people this early morning when you are supposed to be on your honeymoon" Adebola's mother urged her in fear of her son's recurrent anger outburst.

"I met him in church. Am his pastor's daughter. " Debby replied intending to answer every of her father inlaws question.

"Oh, he goes to church? I didn't know that"

"I also never knew he had a father, because he always acts like a father to everyone, protecting and caring for everyone." Mrs Lola smiled at the description of her son and Debby's reply to her husband who was busy embarrassing himself

"As a matter of fact, not only does he goes to church, he is our welfare chairman in church, kind to the needy and he is an amazing husband." Debby continued boasting proudly to Prince Shola whose face felt like it was pained. Adebola smirked knowing Debby just made his day with those replies


"Yes sir." She affirmed.

"Fiona" she called turning towards the stairs, she caught Adebola smiling just as Fiona appeared.

"You called me ma" Fiona said walking towards her briskly.

"Fiona please Fix breakfast for Mummy mindful of her dietary conditions and for Daddy also"

"Yes ma I will. Mummy's snail pepper soup and boiled unripe plantain is ready". 

"That's very good Fiona. Mummy would you want that or something else?" Debby asked

"It's perfect my darling" Mrs Lola smiled urging her husband to go inside the room.

"Fiona please keep our breakfast in front of our door when it's ready and slip a note underneath the door, don't knock. You might interrupt a moment".

"Yes ma." Fiona replied blushing.

"Hmmm Daddy welcome once again. Mummy I would see you later" Debby said hugging her mother inlaw.

"Oh thank you so much my dear" Mrs Lola replied.

Walking towards the smiling Adebola, she took his hand and they climbed upstairs together fully aware of the gaze of his parents on them. This was a good moment after all Adebola thought

Entering his room, she pulled off the shirt revealing her naked fair complexion skin with nothing "underneath it.

Take off your pyjamas and join me in the bathroom." She ordered the staring Adebola.

He obeyed and joined her in the bathroom. She gave him a bath as he smiled all through the scrubbing. She avoided kissing him even when he reached out for hers with his mouth. When she was through bathing him, he offered to wash her but she refused frowning instead at him.

"Am so sorry I screamed" he said

"And broke flower vases" she added

"I am sorry for destroying house property." He apologized hoping that covers everything.

Wondering why he had to apologize to this girl,when he was the boss of his house. He frowned, realizing she was controlling him but before questioning or ordering her to stop, She said " suck me down there" pointing to her womanhood. Going down on his knees in the wet bathroom floor, this was a request, he was a god of and he gladly obliged because he knew he would be highly rewarded. Indeed she spent time rewarding him.

They had breakfast on his bed that morning as Fiona had indeed slipped a note underneath their door to signal the arrival of their breakfast as instructed by Debby. Spending the morning together in his room, Debby told Adebola about her growing up days as she was a rascal and a deviant. Her parents were always pastors and couldn't afford much but she grew up happy. She was so outspoken and happy until Marcus.

He laughed about her growing up rebellious days while he had horrible stories and was not interested in sharing and she didn't bother asking him to divulge his uncomfortable moments. This he liked about her..She doesn't pressure him to share anything.

By afternoon they had yet another romantic experience swimming in the house pool as Debby had told him she was an amazing swimmer and indeed she was.