The months rolled bye in peace and with a certain calmness Adebola describes as settlement. He was better in every sense. He smiled often and his staffs always applauds his demeanor despite negative financial reports every board meeting they had. He had learnt to appreciate people more than material things. Debby's 25th birthday was a bash that he himself threw sparing nothing in making it an elegant affair. She meant the whole world to him and he wanted others to know.

Several dignitaries attended including six seating governors and the vice president of the nation. Debby was practically in tears at every segment of the occasion. Many attributed it to the pregnancy hormones but she doubted that was the scenario. She was simply overwhelmed at the outpouring of love and goodwill towards her.

One early Sunday morning after service, months after her birthday, she was feeling a slight uneasiness around her waist line due to the growing baby bump. She practically walked like a blue whale, Shade often teases her. That Sunday, Debby walked to her father's office to say "hello" but met her husband having a meeting with her parents.

"Debby dear, we were just talking about you" her father said the moment she opened the door.

"Huh" she responded.

"Honey are you alright?" Adebola asked.

"Yeah Ade.I am fine but I don't understand how I am feeling. I guess am just not in the mood"

"Are you sure my love? Is there something I can do?" 

"I said I am not in the mood, Adebola are you deaf?" She snapped at him.

Suddenly removing her wig and her jewelry she passed them unto her husband as she tried seating down on a chair.

"Baby do you need my help?"

"Adebola don't ask me stupid question just hold on to the items that I am giving you."

"Okay I will do that." He said moving a little closer to her only to notice her gown was wet. Her mother also moved closer to her also practically worried and observant.

"Debby do you need me to rub your waist?" Mrs Olatunji offered

"Yes please, do that mummy."

It became clear to everyone except Debby that she was in labour.

"Baby let's go the car." Adebola offered.

"Adebola stop annoying me. Infact leave here right now.No, Adebola come back. Come and carry me." She ordered.

Already dialing her obstetrician whom he had on speed dial,he was connected right away.

"I think my wife is in labor."

"Ok, please bring her, but she is not due until some time next week. Anyways it's good baby is coming anyways. We will prepare the room waiting for her." The doctor assured.

"Baby let's go to the hospital." he offered again.

"My legs cannot walk.Adebola carry me. She pleaded.

"Okay just hold onto my shoulder and continue taking deep breaths.

He had never spoken in tongues in a loud tone but he found himself praying in a language aloud and he knows only God could help him at that moment.