Chapter 16

The king became so happy to get the book. But he didn't know that it was a fake book. He had the key of the book. He took the key and went to open the book. But he didn't know that the key was also fake. His son Prince Wang Lei took the key and placed the fake key on it's place. So he easily opened the fake book with the fake key. He read the book and try to do the skills. The fake skills was written by Jiao Long. He made the fake skills very hard. So the king couldn't able to learn it or do it. So Chenyin and the others were able to close this chapter.

But, another chapter opened. Zhang Wei got some magics and he wanted to use it in bad way. He also wants Chenguang by his side.

In the forest, Chenguang, Jiao Long, Chenyin and Wang Lei opened the book for the first time. They opened the first page. When the first page opened they all looked at the page except Chenguang. She didn't look at the book. She took her eyes off the book. Then, left the place. Everyone was busy about the book. But Jiao Long noticed her. He followed her and went out. She was sitting under a tree.

"What's wrong now?" His voice made her look at him.

"Nothing so special." She said turning her head away from him. He came and sat beside her.

"You're so annoying. Just tell what happened. I don't like to repeat myself." He said furrowed.

"Annoying? Me? I won't tell you anything." She said. It made him angry.

"So it's for Zhang Wei? Huh?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Why he?" Chenguang said looked at him.

"Then what?" He asked.

"Actually, master never wanted to teach me the skills from that book. But I helped Zhang Wei and killed my master. He never allowed me to see it. So I think, I shouldn't see it." She said made her head down and with a sad smile on her lips.

"You really think so? I think you are a big silly. You realised it, it's the matter. You realised that you made a mistake. Understood silly?" He said take his face closer to hers. Chenguang chuckled a little bit. She suddenly went closer to him and kissed the side of his face. Li Jie was coming through the way with a letter for his Prince. Suddenly his eyes went on them.

" OH! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! I didn't expect that couple could be here and do such a thing in the middle of the forest. I'm so sorry." His voice made them look at him. Saying this he left with the letter.

"I also didn't expect that you can kiss me at a sudden." Jiao Long said raising an eyebrow and looked at her. Chenguang blushed and left the place without saying anything. He looked her left.

Zhang Wei saw everything by his magic ball. "Oh! My dear Chenguang, you are on him now? What did you find on the covered man. You are really silly." He chuckled at them. But made a bad plan about them. Because he need Chenguang and wanted to hypnotize her. He can use his magic just on Chenguang.

In the other side, Prince Wang Lei was with Chenyin. Suddenly, Li Jie appeared with a letter. The letter was for Prince and from Li Yerin.

"What does she want?" He asked to Li Jie. Li Jie turned his head away from the prince and said, "I don't know. Read it." Prince opened the letter and read it. He shocked to read the letter.

"What's wrong?" Chenyin asked with fear. He couldn't tell anything. He gave the letter to her. Chenyin read the letter.

The letter~~~

Dear Wang Lei,

I don't know what made you fall on Chenyin. I also don't know what type of magic she did on you. Just listen, I kidnapped your mother. No one knows about it. Leave Chenyin, I will let your mother go.

Yours ever

Li Yerin

Seeing this Chenyin became shocked. She didn't expect that it could be happen. She felt very sad for his mother.

"Wang Lei, took me to her. She will let your mother go." She said place her hands on his shoulders.

"You don't know her. She will kill you." He said looking at her.

"Then let her do that." She said to him. She wanted to save the Queen. She can die for saving a person.

"But I can't." He said placing his hands on her face with a worry in his face. He can't lose any of them. But Chenyin can't let her kill his mother.

"But you need to save your mother first. Don't worry about me." She said placing her hand on his. But he couldn't think of anything. Suddenly Chenguang entered the room.

"What are you two doing here alone? You two are too small for doing this." She said.

"Doing what sister?" Chenyin asked surprisingly.

"Don't be silly. I can see your hand on his." Chenyin forgot about it. Hearing this from Chenguang, she quickly moved her hand.

"Let them do whatever they want." Suddenly, Jiao Long entered the room.

"How could you say this?" Chenguang asked.

"Then let them know what you did today." He said raising an eyebrow at her.

"A.....About what?" Chenguang knew that he was talking about the kiss. But she asked.

"About that." Chenguang quickly left the room. Didn't want to hear anything from him.

"By the way, what's wrong with the prince?" He asked after Chenguang left the room.

"Princess Li Yerin kidnapped his mother." Chenyin replied.

"Then leave it to me." Hearing this both of them jumped with smile. They knew Jiao Long can save the Queen. He can do whatever he want. After all, he is the best student of master Gao Qiang. He know all the martial arts master had.

To be continued.....