
In an office that had the exquisite look of a palace office, three men were currently staying in it. Amongst them, one was pacing back and forth in an unwelcome manner.

"Shit, women are so deceiving," Daniel punched the wall in outrage.

"Daniel, don't judge all women poorly based on one woman," Alexander furrowed his brow in annoyance. The idiot has been pacing up and down repeating the same sentence over and over again.

Mimicking Alexander's voice, a mocking expression made its way to Daniel's face, "Don't judge all women poorly based on one woman-" And then a mocking grin crept up his lips "-Why are you still a bachelor? huh?"

"You... I told you to stop calling me that, you're only eight years younger than me, you damned fool," Alexander furiously whacked him on his head and sent a punch to his face.

"Stop hitting me, you bachelor," Daniel pretended to be hurt as he gazed in Damien's direction.

"You...," Alexander's eyes twitched violently as he watched the acting Daniel.

While they were squabbling with each other, Damien who was calmly watching them with a grimaced face suddenly growled, "ENOUGH!!~," He can't take these two grown-up men fighting like kids.

Both stiffened the instant they heard Damien's thundering voice and took a slight bow in unison, "Yes boss!."

Damien nodded in satisfaction as he gently rested his head back and shut his eyes close. He began to tap his finger on the chair armrest and a grim expression appeared on his face, "In the next five days, I am going to carry out a bloody annihilation and a mission will be assigned to the both of you."

Springing his eyes open, he sat up to look at the two men in front of him as he passed out his mission, "Alex, take the blood warriors and have them move my properties and treasures to Poseidon.

"Yes, boss." Alexander took his mission respectively.

Then Damien turned to Daniel and continued, "Daniel, take Dara to Poseidon, tell him I entrust her to him to take care of her."

The Dara he was talking about was the little girl he met at the garbage dump.

"Yes boss," Daniel also took his mission respectively but abruptly gazed at Damien with eyes filled with curiosity, "Boss am curious, why are we making all this preparation as though we will be going to a huge war? It's just a simple annihilation, is it worth all this preparation?"

Damien gently rested back his head and playfully tapped his finger on the chair armrest, "This boss might have to take a nap in several years coming."

"Huh?" Daniel furrowed his brow and tapped his finger on his lips as though he was thinking of something before his eyes suddenly broadened as a saucer, "Boss you don't mean....?"

Damien smoothly stood up from his seat and placed his two hands behind his back, as a slow wicked grin formed on his face, "We move out in the next five days," Then he took a deep sigh. "It's been a long time since I killed that I have almost forgotten how it feels to kill. Yet now, am about to remind me what it's like to do so again."

He smiled as he retired from his office in large strides, a figure of loneliness disappeared.

Daniel who watched his boss back as he left turned towards Alex with a grim face, "Shit just got real."

"Ah... it been a long time since I have seen our boss like this. That woman hurt him to the core," Alexander sighed as he shook his head helplessly. A pessimist smile formed on his lips as he shooked his head once more, "Some people will suffer in the next five days."


Today was the day the annihilation will take place.

Damien who was swathed in a blue shirt and black pants with his hair neatly tied up in a bun was seated on a majestic chair as he tapped his fingers on the chair armrest as usual.

"Boss we are ready to move," Alexander who was outfitted in black pants and a white shirt took a bow.

Damien nodded his head in a leisurely manner, "Mhmm... Both of you move out and take the mothers and children to a safe place, leave Draco, his daughter, and those sentries to me,"

"Yes boss," Alex and Daniel gave a bow before they took their leave.

Damien who had his eyes closed opened them, and a wicked grin crept up his lip, 'Draco, I warned you, I won't die from just poison! You have no idea who I really am! Today you and your people will perish in my hands, and your daughter.....?'


At the front of an elegant mansion, Damien stood there with a cold indifferent face. He looked as though he was patiently waiting for something, and indeed he was.

A white-bearded old man ambled out of the elegant mansion in large strides with a young woman beside him and halted when he saw Damien. His face was stern and solemn.

"Damien, you don't cease to amaze this daddy here! I never expected you to still be alive!" The white-bearded man who was naturally Draco blurted with a cheerful smile on his face.

"Let's settle business, I don't have such leisurely time to chat with you," Damien casually waved his hand as his cold eyes moved to the young woman who was naturally Beatrice.

Her tender slim body trembled the moment Damien's gaze descended on her.

Damien promptly shut his eyes close, and cold energy began to accumulate in his palm. The environment lit up with a bright flash of lightning, and thunder rumbled in the sky.

He sprang his eyes open and his iris which was originally blue had changed from blue to a pure silver color, his hair which was originally jet-black was now Blue-colored. "The massacre begins now!"

He began to saunter towards the mansion and the duos who stood outside of it at a slow pace.

Anywhere his feet skimmed, turned into ice. The temperature became extremely high, and several guards who weren't powerful enough turned into ice sculptures. The trees, and plants around became ice monuments.

Damien continued to amble forward. The more closer he got, the higher the temperature. Some of the guards who gritted their teeth and rushed towards him to besiege him were all turned into ice sculptures before they could even touch him.

His body was now completely enshrouded by blue-colored flames. The moment he froze any of the guards to death, he would unfreeze them and utilize the blue flame to burn them to ashes.

A scenario where Ice and flames were operating together was taking place at a luxurious mansion.

"Father, what have we done!?" Beatrice grimaced as she watched the horrible phenomenon that was unfolding before her.

"You, go and stop him, I need to find a way to escape," Draco persuaded his daughter as he turned around to flee.

"Father!!!" Beatrice glared at her father with a hurtful expression. "Do you even care about me? All my life, I have done both wrong and right to please you but never for once did you show me a father's love! Why?" Her voice turned raspy as she was about to break out into tears.

"Listen, now is not the time! We can talk about this later, I cannot die!," Draco emphasized with an annoyed face before he turned around to flee.

Damien's eyes lit up in flames the moment he noticed his enemy was about to flee. He roared like a wild beast and sent tens of lightning towards Draco.

The lightning flashed towards Draco and struck him mercilessly almost to death.

Damien disappeared and appeared before Draco in an Instant and hoisted him up by the neck with one hand.

"Please spare my life, please! This old man won't dare to trouble you anymore, please spare my life." Draco pleaded for leniency desperately.

However, Damien who was so cold-blooded didn't even spare him a glance and transmitted blue flames through his body which burnt Draco into ashes. Who said demons are immune to flames, maybe other flames, but not his blue flames, demons never cease to wither under it.

He shut his eyes closed and instantly opened it again as though he just remembered something. He turned his gaze towards the young woman who was trembling non-stop.

Beatrice slumped to the ground immediately she saw Damien's gaze fixed on her, she knew only death awaits her.

She raised her head to stare at the young man in front of her as a pessimist smile formed on her face, "I know you hate me to the core and you're going to kill me, bu-but there is something which I have always wanted to tell you-" She took a deep breath and hugged Damien's leg. "-Damien I loved you just as you loved me, but being controlled by my father, I couldn't choose my fate. It was always decided by my father. I am so sorry that I hurt you and I hope you forgive me before I die."

"I am not blaming any of this on my father, it is all my fault... And I hope that in my next world I will meet you again as a sister, lover, brother, any one of these so I can pay for the wrongs I did to you. Please forgive me, I am sorry." Hot tears unceasingly trickled down her face.

Damien slowly closed his eyes, as he deeply inhaled and exhaled with a cold face, "You don't need to ask for forgiveness, because my heart already forgave you a long time ago... But you must know that a shattered glass can never be mended. Today you must die by my hands even if I have forgiven you. In your next world, I wish for you to never have a father like that, but have a loving father and a life full of freedom and happiness."

Beatrice began to laugh happily after she heard those words. She could not hold the tears in her eyes as a cheerful smile made its way to her lips, "I can finally rest in peace. I just have one last request. I know you wanted to propose to me that day and the ring is right here with me. Please bury me along with this ring, it belongs to me because it was bought for me by the one man I ever loved in my entire life," She caressed the ring so gently as she uttered her last words, "I hope you meet the woman who deserves you."

Damien closed his eyes, as he turned the young woman into an Ice sculpture and unfroze her after she died. He mourned silently with painful tears which fell from his eyes as he carried her corpse and buried her in a place only he knew. This was all he could do for her. He took a bow and left.

Two days later, he fell into a deep slumber to recuperate his damaged system as a result of the poison, until the day he was awoken by a mate given to him by Sherpa.


Damien snapped back to reality when he heard the sound of heavy rain. He sighed deeply and snuggled into his bed and quietly closed his eye and slept off. Anyone who saw him will know the heavy emotion this man carried within him.