The mysterious men

In a flash, 5 months have passed.

In these 5 months, Diemon city has been as natural as ever. No bizarre situations have taken place, just merchandisers and people going about their livelihood and activities.

Elsie had trained diligently and non-stop resulting in her breaking through four levels and making it to becoming a Fifth level cultivator and also finally lifting the heavy sword Damien gave her which is now the weapon she uses.

As for Zarin and Thea, they both broke through to another level. Thea broke through to the sixth level and Zarin broke through to the Seventh level. One must know that Elsie's talent accompanied by Damien's strict training aided her in breaking through four levels under five months.

This had Thea and Zarin stunned when they first found out and were unwilling to believe that she had almost caught up to them.

And Damien, he has continuously been heckling himself, unwilling to believe he's falling for her and unwilling to express how he feels.

As for Zamiel who had fallen into a deep slumber. He awoke from his deep slumber and as usual, has been aiding Elsie.

Elsie strolled out of the wooden elegant house she's been living in with Damien, these past few months. While stretching her body, a lovely smile crept up her lips when she saw Damien who was seated with his two legs inside the fresh lake in front of the house.

He was as usual clad in a blue robe with his wet hair fallen over his shoulder. The breeze blew on him which made his robe and hair flutter.

She walked up to him and gently lifted the hem of her pant and slipped her legs into the lake.

Damien who noticed her coming raised his eyes to glance at her with a simple smile plastered on his face.

"Am sorry I didn't make breakfast for you!" He gently caressed her hair with a delightful smile hung on his brims. "You can go to the city restaurant and have your breakfast."

"No! No!... Why are you apologizing?" Elsie hunged her head low in embarrassment. She doesn't understand why he would apologize to her. It wasn't his duty!

Damien chuckled at her, "Because you're my responsibility." He caressed her cheek with his hand and abruptly brought it down. He knew deep inside of him that he was falling for this girl, but he was unwilling to believe so.

"You should go now or you might get too hungry" He stood up and put on his shoes, then he proceeded to amble back into the house.

Elsie who was watching him stroll back into the house sighed deeply and stood up to walk to the city.


Elsie gazed out of the restaurant window while waiting for her breakfast to arrive. Her thoughts couldn't help but wander far. These few months, how her life has been in this new world. Her mother who was now in heaven and Monika and James, how they were fairing she really wants to know.

And Jason, that cousin she loved so much turned out to be the one who bit her for a reason she still know not.

She wants vengeance and she must find a way to get it. Her first tightly clenched the chair armrest and unknowingly ameliorated it to sprinters.

"Ahem... Miss, your order has arrived." The waitress coughed when she saw the young girl absent-minded and snapped her back to reality.

"Oh... Am sorry, pardon me." Elsie apologized with an awkward smile on her face. She couldn't believe she just ravaged someone's property because of her thoughts.

The waitress nodded and strolled back to attend to another customer.

Elsie glanced at the food in front of her and suddenly realized she didn't have an appetite to eat anymore.

She unhurriedly grabbed a bread and took a bite. Even if she doesn't have an appetite to eat, she needed to eat and add more weight. True she did add weight these past few months, but it was just a little. She still looks quite skinny as little of her bones were still so evident on her body. Her strict training had not allowed her to add weight the way she should have.

In the same restaurant at a corner, a middle-aged man and a young man about the age of 21 with red hair were surrounded by eight guards.

The middle-aged man had red hair just like the young man sitting opposite him. Anyone who saw them would say that they were father and son and indeed they were father and son.

"Father, is she the one?" The young man gazed towards Elsie who was unhurriedly bitting on her bread.

"Indeed she is. I don't understand how she could have killed your sister. That martial art of hers is strange." The middle-aged man stroked his beard as he nodded his head in contemplation.

"She is really beautiful. Sister must have felt inferior and want to eradicate her!" The young man chuckled and shooked his head. His sister was the type who abhors seeing girls beautiful than her, and this girl he just saw was beyond beautiful with her unique white hair, even though she looked quite skinny.

"Watch her, once she's done let me know!"

The middle-aged man waved his hand and turned to dine his food. However, his son continued to gaze at the beauty who was on the other side of the restaurant, looking out of the window while biting on her bread.

Elsie who had no idea what was going on stood up after she took a few bites out of her bread and packed the remaining delicacies. She only ate bread out of all the food on the table and it pained her to waste money like this, so she decided to take it home.

She paid the waitress and strolled out of the restaurant, then walked out of the city market into the woods which led to the house she lived in with Damien.

She had just waddled into the woods and suddenly ceased on her step. She felt someone was following her.

"Hmm...," Elsie narrowed her eyes. Was someone following her or was it just her feelings. She darted her eyes around but saw no one.

"It is not just your feeling, you're being followed!" Zamiel narrowed his eyes. "Don't try to battle them, you're no match for any of them!"

Elsie nodded and with her fist tightly clenched, she proceeded to walk forward.

However, before she could take two steps forward, a few men with broad shoulders came out from nowhere and besieged her. Two men with red hair, one was old while the other was young, walked towards her with no expression on their faces.

These people were naturally the men who were observing Elsie inside the restaurant earlier.

The broad men let go of the hilt of their sword when they saw the middle-aged man wave his hand at them.

Elsie who was being besieged suddenly felt alert towards these people. Between the two men, the old one was staring at her with eyes filled with interest while the young one was staring at her with eyes she would recognize anywhere 'Lustful eyes'

She shuddered within her and could not resist asking, "What do you want?"