Cadens Weft

His hand gripped into something soft.

It all ended.

The pain was immeasurable.

It gripped harder.

Not the broken ribs...

Neither the disembowelment.

For some reason, it was comforting.

The pain of losing everyone precious to you-


Ritsuka's eyes flickered open, a cold sweat dripping from his brow.

"You are now awake."

He gazed up from the pillow. His hand was being held by... someone else's. A soft and fair hand, that held itself firm despite how tightly he gripped it.

Swiftly, he released the hand.

Sat beside the bed was...

"... Director?"

The side-braided white hair. The scrutinizing golden eyes. The fair complexion befitting of a noble daughter.

It could only be Olga-Mary Animusphere, the original director of the Chaldea Security Organization.

And yet...

"... That's not it, is it?"

Even he could tell. Or rather, it was because he was Ritsuka Fujimaru that he could tell.

The lady that looked like Olga-Mary gazed at him with an emotionless curiosity, like a doll that had just attained sentience. That look alone was enough for him to determine the truth.

"Observation correct. I've deemed it appropriate to take on this guise in order to provide a comforting sight to you, Master of Chaldea."

A mechanical way of speaking that didn't suit her appearance. If anything, this had the opposite of the intended effect. Especially considering the ultimate fate of the original person in question...

With a short sigh, Ritsuka raised himself from the bed. The room they were in was featureless and white, not unlike some rooms of the original Chaldea, except the functionality of this place could not be determined.

"... Who are you?"

"This is a doll terminal, created for the sake of interaction with the Master of Chaldea."

"I mean, who are you? Not this... uh, doll specifically."


His response was the blankest of stares, as if he just said something that made no sense.

"... This requires a facility demonstration. Very well. Please follow me."

The Olga-Mary lookalike stood up. Unlike the usual director, she wore little more than a featureless grey plug-suit. As she wandered towards the doorway, however, Ritsuka called out.

"Hold on!"

She stopped but did not turn.

This was all too strange for Ritsuka. He didn't care about whatever demonstration this thing had for him. All he cared about was-

"What happened to everyone? Where's Mash?"

"... I can answer these things. Please follow me."

There didn't seem to be any other course of action to take. He wasn't in a position to disobey that order, though...

He erred on the side of caution, regardless.

"Are you an enemy?"

"... That is for your evaluation, Master of Chaldea."

Whoever she was, the fact that Ritsuka himself wasn't dead probably meant that she wasn't an immediate threat. It would already be over, otherwise.

Just like he was led to believe.

A shiver ran down his spine as he followed along in silence.


If there was one way to describe the place he had ended up in...


Plain white halls that were an imitation of those in Chaldea. Perfect replicas, in fact. Yet they were so perfect that they were definitely alien to Ritsuka. None of Chaldea's imperfections were present in the architecture.

Their destination was a rounded room, featureless like the rest of the complex save for a table-like construct in its center.

The girl tapped onto the surface of the table, causing it to open up in a strange way. It started to display holographic projections that meant little to Ritsuka.

"This is who I am."

It almost looked like some sort of star map, but without any supporting knowledge, Ritsuka was unable to properly identify what or where it was.

"I don't understand. Is the display... showing where you are from?"

"That is correct to an extent."

"So... we're not on Earth?"

"Negative. We are approximately 236,991,298,338-"

"Far away... no, that's not important right now. What happened to everyone else? Are they here with me?"

The girl turned to the display and started to interact with it as if it were a physical entity. The projections shifted and responded to the movements of her fingers. She pulled up a projection that was notably familiar to Ritsuka...

"... That's Earth?"

"Correct. The rest of Chaldea's functioning personnel remain on celestial designation "Earth"."

It didn't answer anything that Ritsuka wanted, it only opened up further questions. He signed in exasperation.

I just want to know. Please, just tell me.

Yet he bit his lip rather than speak his mind. If he erupted with emotion right now, he could jeopardize any chances of saving everyone else.

"... Then-"

"I shall give a full report of the current circumstance, then."

He stared at her in slight shock, thinking that his mind had just been read. Or were his feelings that clearly written on his face? Nonetheless, he settled down a bit to listen to the Olga-Mary clone.

"A celestial hazard has encroached upon the boundaries of Earth in an anomalous set of events. Its target was the Chaldea Security Organization, the protectors of the Human Order..."


A threat that Chaldea had no chance to defend against. One that launched an assault with lethal precision and effectiveness. The mortality rate of Chaldea was 100%.

Or at least, that's what the numbers were showing.


"... therefore, the natural flow of chronometric systems in the isolated sector, designation "Earth", have been suspended. The other members of Chaldea are neither alive nor dead. They simply exist in stasis."

Relief washed over Ritsuka as he exhaled loudly. He had just become aware that he was holding his breath.

"Then... there's still a way to save them?"


She stared at him. Despite her blankness, it somehow felt like a cold gaze.

"There are no ways to save them."

Thus, his streak of hope had been severed. Ritsuka stared back, before clenching his fists slightly.


"Next, allow me to demonstrate the-"


She fell silent.

"... I am not the Director."

"I don't care. There must be a way to save them. If you can just stop time for Earth like that... then surely... you can rescue them?"

Little by little, Ritsuka's lid was beginning to slip off from the substance boiling within.

"It is outside of my jurisdiction. Furthermore, I have directives elsewhere that require-"

"I don't care!"

His voice raised. While the doll did not flinch, her hand lowered itself from the console as she continued observing Ritsuka.

"... If you don't know, then find out a way. Help me figure out a way. I won't give up on them so easily!"

"Even if it is impossible?"

"I've been told that many times in the past... how can we know if we don't try?"

"Because my calculations-"

"No, no calculations! If you won't help me, then I'll figure it out by myself."

For a second, he could've sworn that the corner of her lips curled, ever so slightly.

Is she... looking down on me?

"How will you do this?"

"... I don't know. I'll find a way."

"And you will not hear out why I have called you here in the first place?"

Usually, Ritsuka would be one to hear out the problems of others first... but the situation was too dire to shift focus. She was the only one who could help him rescue Chaldea.

By saving the others, only then would he be in a position to help others.

"I care about them more. I'm sorry, but I am powerless without them."

A silence fell upon the room. Not even the projection module made any sounds.

Somehow, the doll seemed crestfallen at this answer. The stare was boring itself into Ritsuka's body by now.

Before she finally spoke, facing the projector again.

"Understood. Shifting main directive to "Rescue Chaldea"."

The sense of calm flushed through Ritsuka's body as he sighed, feeling like he'd just won an important battle.

"... Thank you. I promise you, I will help you with your problems... once they are safe. Even I have to be selfish in times like this."

"Affirmative. This was not within expected parameters, yet... it is natural for the Master of Chaldea to act like this, yes. I have learned this through observations."

Her hand danced through the projection as it shifted entirely from the display of Earth and the star maps.

As he watched the holograms change before his eyes, an important question cropped up in his mind.

"... What is your name?"

"My name?"

Her movements paused for a moment as if she was considering what sort of answer to give him. However, they resumed moving after only a few seconds.


"That's... your name?"

"It is what I am, according to your cultures."

The name rang a bell, but Ritsuka couldn't quite pinpoint the exact origins at this moment. In time, he figured it would make more sense to him. For now, it was somewhat comforting that her name was at least recognizable in some way.

The projections opened up to take up the whole center of the room. Several rifts opened up, five in total. They each had various icons pointing to different parts of them, in writing that Ritsuka could barely understand.

Another few seconds past and imagery suddenly appeared over the rifts. One was a painting-like image of a city with the Eiffel Tower in the background, another was of a vast desert with pyramids, the next being a photo of a modern city...

"... Singularities."

They were like Singularities, based on the symbolism. Paris, Egypt, somewhere foreign... another was just an ocean, and the last was a large Japanese shrine.

As he gazed in awe at the projections, Vega spoke out to break his fascinated trance.

"These are my simulations, using data acquired from observations of Chaldea and the Incineration of the Human Order. I have successfully replicated the systems necessary to emulate events of the past, present, and future."

She ran a finger down and pulled out a list of data entries... written in Japanese for Ritsuka's sake, as he started to read:


The City-State Where Desires Begin and End, Le Grand Trianon Capitol

A governed metropolis of great power and greater affluence, where the poor know only work and the rich know only luxuries.


The Tempest of the Seven Seas, Oceania

A continental ring of powers governed and terrorized by villainous minds and endless piracy.


The Steamwork Lynchpin That Pins the Reverse World, Cair Grauth

A grand, manufactured nation within a construct that rejects the Mysteries of the Reverse World.


The Eternally Bloodshed Theatre of War, Great Sahara

A vast desert laid bare with the wars of several other realities, a place where all matters and battles of life and death are decided.


The Prohibited Divine Realm, Izumo

[Data Unavailable]


The very nature of them was not unlike the Singularities Ritsuka had prevailed over before, yet... these were far different as well. He had no idea what any of these worlds would bring.

"I have matched images to each simulation, based on their metagenetic structures and correlating entries in the databases of Earth. The key to the salvation of Chaldea resides in these simulations."

"... Are they like Singularities?"

Since Vega mentioned observations, he assumed that she would know what this term meant.

"... incorrect assessment. These are not moments of history in the Human Order that transpired in the past. Nor can they be considered deviations of those timeline sectors."

She enlarged the overall picture. Now that he looked closely, Ritsuka could see that the rifts representing each one were aligned in a certain way... notably, the one labeled as the Great Sahara was bigger than the rest. It was situated in the middle, with the three others surrounding it in a triangular formation. Izumo was the exception, suspending above the rest of them.

Vega's explanation continued:

"These simulations have deviated from allocated parameters and have become alternate worlds of their own kind. They exist simultaneously within the same spatial framework, though their chronometric systems still vary. They continuously influence and interact with each other."

In other words...

"... They're fighting each other?"

"Correct. I have assigned the designation "Malgenesis" to these simulations. Each one has a core that sustains the metagenetic framework of the entire sector. I have called these cores "Malgenetic Strands". By harnessing the power of a Strand, Chaldea can be saved."

Once again, Ritsuka afforded himself the feeling of hope. He didn't quite understand what these things meant, but what mattered was that Vega had pulled together an action plan for him.

Even if it was a lie, it was all he had to work with. The only question now was...

"How do I do this? Where do I start?"

Vega pointed towards one of the Malgeneses. The one labelled as Le Grand Trianon Capitol...

"Somatic Paradigm Transference will be most efficient in regards to resources and time to this particular sector."

"Soma... huh?"

"... You can regard it as "Rayshifting". I shall send you to this location, so that you may begin your mission."

Ritsuka raised his hands pensively, however. There was something missing, after all.

"But I'm just a Master. I... I will need help. Have you also... uh, created Chaldea's summoning systems?"

"... Yes, but the model is incomplete. A certain component was not able to be reproduced."

It must have been that... that which only Mash possessed, the catalyst that brought Heroic Spirits of the Human Order together. Without that, it was a futile endeavor.


"... But now I'm here. Maybe I can call them, if they can reach out. Somehow."

"A plausible theory. The Throne of Heroes cannot be accessed from here, however."


Was it useless then? He had always figured that something like the Throne wasn't limited by something like distance... but for an extreme case such as this, maybe its the distance from any sort of humanity that forbade access to it.

"... That is why I replicated that data too."

"Wait... what?"

"I have successfully recorded and recreated the entirety of the Throne of Heroes database. The summoning of Heroic Spirits has not been tested. However, with the Master of Chaldea as an existing factor... it is possible."

The map of the Malgeneses vanished. The holograms dissipated as the round table object transformed itself into a more familiar sight... holographic glyphs appeared across a black-glass floor that opened up in the middle of the structure. Another accurate replication, yet it was a very much welcome one.

"You must take position for you are the catalyst, Master of Chaldea."

"Yeah... Ritsuka Fujimaru."

"... Hm?"

"Please call me that! Or, Fujimaru at least."

Vega was silent as Ritsuka stepped into the middle of the summoning circle before she simply nodded.

"... Affirmative, Ritsuka."

The machine and its glyphs whirred to life, glowing brightly as magical energy poured forth from it. Ritsuka closed his eyes as the light enveloped him. He concentrated hard... not on a singular person that came to mind.

Rather, he visualized the concept of a "hero". Someone dependable that could support him in this desperate time... someone that would see it through with him till the end.

A companion. A guardian. A friend-

"Commencing Chaldean summoning sequence in 3..."






Smoke kicked up in the room. This prompted ventilation points to open up on the surrounding walls.

Vega herself looked a bit surprised by this turn of events, the first proper shift in her expression so far.

As the occluding veil of smoke cleared out, Ritsuka was stood there while coughing.

There was another figure beside him...

"Did it... work?"

Another was coughing alongside him, as he slowly opened his eyes...

There was a young man sat before him.

Long, mossy green hair that was unkempt. A burgundy outfit that looked both noble and well-traveled. Belts and trinkets and tools adorned his person, conveying a degree of multifaceted capabilities.

After rubbing them, the young man gazed up at Ritsuka with deep jade eyes that were brimming with curiosity... and confusion.

"I... uh. Huh! Hello there, Master... gimme a moment..."

He stood up, dusting his clothes off while humming an unfamiliar tune to himself.

"I'm so glad you called upon me!"

Ritsuka stared silently as the young man raised an eyebrow. They ended up awkwardly staring at each other for a moment before Ritsuka blinked and-

"Who are you?!"

The young man flinched a bit as he was shaken by this remark.

"Wha- isn't it obvious?!"

He huffed and crossed his arms.

"I'm Marco Polo, you fool!"


It was a chilly night.

The upper city of Le Grand Trianon loomed over its slums in a condescending fashion.

Screams filled the night air as the poor were culled for insubordination. Titan-like knights swept their halberds like farmers reaping crops, as blood dyed the misshapen streets.

Other knights with more machine-like apparatus in their armors arrived and washed the streets clean with blasts of water.

Despite having just witnessed his brother butchered in front of him and washed away into the drains like common filth, the working man simply lowered his cap and continued escorting the cart.

In this world where the poor only exist to work, those that defy the status quo were abandoned and killed off. By both the enforcers and their own kin.

A mantle fluttered through the wind as an anonymous observer witnessed these crimes taking place in the streets.

This place was a form of civilized Hell. It was not one that sinners are sent to for punishment, but one that sinners bear witness to so that they may reflect.

When they can compare what they perceived as their own Hell to what an actual realm of damnation looks like.

"... Beauteous and hideous, all the same."

The figure gazed up at the fractured moon from underneath their cap.

"So this is where you will end up, Ritsuka Fujimaru. Very well. This time, it is a special circumstance... I shall become your strength in due time. Until then, continue waiting-"

They bolted away from that hiding place, skimming across rooftops in nimble fashion under the guise of night.

"-I shall do my part from here. I pray for your hope and despair... fight through it all, find your truth. I shall be waiting! Kuhahahaha!!"

Thus, the figure disappeared into the darkness of the slums.