The bolt flew, but barely for even a split second. Guillemot seized the bolt the moment it was released, thrusting it behind him to shake off the momentum as he planted his other hand on the doorway and stared dead into Blavet's eyes. "That's not how I taught you to use that thing. You need to do it from at least ten feet away."
And just like that, the lady's legs gave out as she tumbled back while dropping the weapon. She looked appauled with herself as she glanced up at Guillemot. "I-it really is you... oh gosh, I'm sorry!" Tears welled up in her eyes as he approached, before he simply patted her on the head.
"No one's hurt, so it don't matter," he said before he looked at the others. "Oi, pile in before the guards show up."
The rest of Chaldea herded in through the door before it was sealed shut. With the lights off, they all gathered in the basement to explain the matter at hand. Blavet, having taking a deep breath to process what was happening, sat on a stool by a fire pit and introduced herself. "I still don't really understand what's going on, but... my name is Blavet, a humble patissier. So you're all... Sir Guillemot's friends?"
"Not really friends. Just allies of circumstance. Also, I told ya about callin' me sir." He folded his arms, leaning into a wall.
"A-ah, I can't help it... ever since then..." She blushed a little and sheepishly twiddled her thumbs together, seeming to recall a fond memory.
"Anyways, we need to hide here for a bit. The patrols don't bother too much with this district so it's ideal. Ya can do that, right?"
There was clear hesitation in Blavet's expression as she scanned the Chaldea crew. Marco gave as friendly a wave as he could muster as Ritsuka smiled, and Vega simply... stared. It was then Blavet properly noticed the child that Ritsuka was carrying. "O-oh dear... yes, I'll do it, of course. Let's bring him to a bed."
"Oh, great! Thank you!" Ritsuka said as he was led back upstairs with Blavet. The others decided to remain and discuss the current situation as Ritsuka was directed to lay the boy in a spare bed.
After Blavet tucked the boy in and made sure he was comfortable, she turned to Ritsuka. "That should do it... I'm afraid I don't know any miracle home remedies or anything. The best I'll be able to do is give him a warm meal when he wakes up."
"It's more than enough, thank you. We still don't know his name. He was trapped with Guillemot."
"I see... to think they're as merciless to children as they are to everyone else. The Gendarmarie know no restraint, it's sickening."
"The Gendarmarie? Is that what they're called?"
"Yes, of course. Wait... I thought your manner of dress was strange. You're not from the Capitol, are you?"
Ritsuka shook his head. In response, Blavet's eyes lit up as she took his hands suddenly. "Guillemot always told me... that there were worlds beyond our city! You must be from one of them! You must tell me all about it, what is it like beyond this prison of a city?!"
"W-wha? Um... well, you see... it's not quite like... I thought Guillemot didn't know about..." Ritsuka was a little flustered by how suddenly she'd come onto him with all this, though it was understandable considering the living situation of the people in that place. It sounded like Guillemot also lied about knowing about other worlds, though he figured that he had his reasons.
"Hope I ain't interrupting something." Guillemot was stood in the doorway, leaning against its frame a bit as he watched them in a stoic fashion. He had removed his cloak now, revealing his dirtied attire underneath. He wore a burgundy waistcoat with a gray undershirt, and dark trousers. It somehow wasn't too strange to see Izou in such a formal outfit, considering the company he usually had. Or well, the Izou lookalike.
Blavet immediately released Ritsuka's hands, turning a bit red. "I-it's not like that! I just... figured he's from outside and I wanted to ask some things!"
"You can ask him as much as you like while we stay here. So... how's the kid?" He came over, crossing his arms as he looked over the bed. "He's been passed out this whole time but I figure he'll be up after a night's rest and a good meal."
"I'll do my utmost... who is he?" Blavet inquired, looking at the boy.
"Dunno. Got tossed into the cage with me, he did. Well, it's not like I care. He's your problem now."
With that, Guillemot went to leave the bedroom. He stopped just shy of the door, before he spoke without turning. "Sorry about the fib, by the way. Ya could've been foreign spies, but after all that... I think I can settle my doubts." He exited without another word. Blavet sighed and smiled after him.
"He's not heartless, he just isn't honest. He's a very cautious sort." She looked to Ritsuka and beamed a little bit. "I'll take good care of the boy, so leave it with me."
It seemed like the responsibility was something she was eager for, though Ritsuka had another doubt in his mind. "That's great... but what about his parents?"
Blavet's smile faded a bit as she looked solemnly at the boy. "... they're probably gone. If the Gendarmarie captured him alone, that's likely the case. They killed off people for acts of treason, and if there are offspring or relatives left behind... they will take them for the Kitchen."
Somehow, when she said that last bit, Ritsuka's skin crawled a little bit. "The... Kitchen?"
"That's what they call it. It's the Lord Executioner's domain, beneath the Royal Prison. All that we know is that... people don't return from the Kitchen. It's where those things in the waterways come from."
Unfortunately, Ritsuka felt well-acquainted with those things by now. And it was even more sickening to hear where they actually came from. To turn innocent people into shambling monsters was unacceptable, regardless of whoever perpetuated it.
... He took a deep breath to collect himself, to not cave into emotions right now. This place was warped, that much had been ascertained beforehand. He needed to be mentally prepared for this sort of stuff, considering what he's been through.
"Senpai, please remember... we'll always be behind you."
Mash's words echoed painfully in the back of his mind as he clutched his head. As he closed his eyes, all he could see was an image of yearning...
Ritsuka's eyes opened again and his gaze met with Blavet's own. He chuckled to lighten the mood and shook his head. "I'm fine, haha. Just... thinking about how messed up it is here. Where I'm from is definitely a lot nicer."
"I-I bet it is! This place is horrible... we live in fear of the Gendarmarie, so much that I can only sell my pastries when they're not around. Otherwise they just trample my stall!"
"I'm sorry to ask this, but... could you tell me more about this place? I'm still kinda in the dark about a lot in this world. And then I can tell you some stuff about mine."
Not one to miss this opportunity, Blavet also saw a chance to vent some frustrations too. Thus, they left the boy in peace and talked out in the corridor instead. "I suppose I'll start with the Madame..."
Madame Deficit. Marie Antoinette. The monarch that ruled over Le Grand Trianon, the Capitol. According to Blavet, it was a sprawling metropolis surrounded on all sides by endless oceans and skies. From the way she described the buildings and such, Ritsuka could tell it bore some semblance to medieval Paris.
Though the Madame was the figurehead of the nation, the one with the true iron grip was the Lord Executioner that sat beneath her. He was in charge of the Royal Prison and the Gendarmarie, which dominated the entire Capitol with force and fear. As for the Madame herself, she rarely governs the place herself and apparently mostly enjoys her own debauched lifestyle.
Blavet pointed out a window. Ritsuka looked as he saw the many other rooftops, and in the distance... it wasn't until now that he noticed that which loomed over the Capitol. There, he saw a massive tower of radiant crystal.
"The Crystal Tower, sat in the center of the Capitol..."
The base of it seemed wide but a lot if it was obscured from view. The middle section of the tower was the most crowded of all. From what he could see at this distance, stations and walkways adorned it all, with airships visibly going to and from it. And at the tower's summit was something resembling an elaborate crown; the Madame's private palace, Saint-Cloud. No one has ever seen inside of this place, save for perhaps the Lord Executioner and the elite guards.
The Royal Prison was supposedly located beneath the tower and connected directly to the waterways. Anyone who knows anymore than this, however, is likely already a prisoner there.
Ritsuka rubbed his chin, examining the shape of the tower through the window. "Does the Madame have the tower to herself, then?"
"She probably would if she could, she is the queen of selfishness. But no. That's where the Highcastes live."
Another warped element of this world. The Highcaste were denizens given protection by the Madame and her Gendarmarie, given special privilege to live their days in luxury within the Crystal Tower. All the expenses of their luxuries are paid for by the labours of the Capitol. It is said that once every year, Madame would summon the populace of the Capitol and perform a selection process.
Memories of Camelot flooded Ritsuka's mind as this was described to him. His fist started to clench as he just thought about it. Somehow, the situation here seemed even more tasteless and horrid.
After a sigh, Ritsuka nodded. "I think I've a better idea of the place now. Thank you, Blavet." He then suddenly yawned. It became apparent that his body lacked sufficient energy due to everything that had happened until now, as he felt his legs sway a bit.
"Ah, let me take you to the other guestroom. I'm sorry, you must be exhausted after running from those things in the waterways. We can talk more tomorrow."
"Huah... thanks. I'll be sure to tell you lots about my world soon. I promise."
Blavet's eyes widened a bit as she heard this. "Promise..." She then nodded and smiled. "A promise, yes!" Somehow, she seemed quite jubilant with this as she took Ritsuka to his lodgings. It was a larger room with a number of beds all lined up and a single dresser at the far end. It seemed like a dormitory of sorts. By the time Ritsuka had arrived, Vega and Marco were awaiting him. Blavet gave them all a curtsy before leaving them.
Marco gave a chide smirk in his Master's direction. "Having a nice and amiable chat with the lady~?"
"I was just learning about this world and how distorted it is. It makes me sick to hear some of these things..." Ritsuka, not being fazed by the tease, narrowed his eyes a bit.
"Oh." Feeling the mood dampened a little, Marco lost his smile and instead pulled out his notebook. "Mind if we go over some of it before we sleep? No matter how horrendous it may be... it must be documented for others to hear. Perhaps especially so for matters such as these." He then glanced over at Vega and pursed his lip a bit. "What about you? You're not seriously going to share this bunk with us, are you?"
"Negative. I will prioritize surveillance until Ritsuka Fujimaru is operational again," Vega replied as she stared holes into Marco.
"Could you do your guard duty outside the room? I dunno how I feel about a creepy lady staring at me while I sleep... you're probably undressing me with those dead fish eyes of yours, fantasizing about pouncing upon my handsome, youthful sleeping form-"
"I will conduct surveillance over Chaldea's Master and absolve myself of any responsibility for the security of Marco Polo." With that said, Vega slowly cranked herself around to stare at Ritsuka, much to his embarrassment.
Marco somehow seemed offended at this as he scowled. "Now you're just playing hard to get. Oh the tales I will write of you... in fact, be thankful that I will tell others about how vivacious and boisterious your personality is! Like a technicolour dream palette poised to paint a whole new world!"
"Deception is one of the specialties designated for Marco Polo."
He stamped his feet on the floor angrily, pointing at Vega. "Take that back! I don't deceive anyone! I always tell the truth, the hot-hearted truth!"
Despite the loudness this argument was taking (it was mostly Marco), Ritsuka's eyes were growing heavier as he laid back on the softness of the bed. It had felt like so long since he'd found himself in the comfortable embrace of a bed like this.
So great was the effect that soon, all the sounds became washed away with darkness as he fell into a deep, exhaustion-induced slumber.