The Cowardly Little Fatty

The little fatty was not as relaxed as she was. There were cuts all over his body, and the most serious was his ankle, which was swelling up.

Xiao Ying helped the little fatty sit against the wall while she scanned their surroundings. When she saw a patch of green herbs at the entrance of the cave, her eyes lit up.

She picked a bunch of herbs, which were coincidentally useful for reducing swelling and pain.

She returned to the little fatty's side, took off her coat, and used a rock to tear the edge into strips.

Xiao Ying chewed the medicinal herbs into a paste and placed it onto the little fatty's ankle, then wrapped it with the strips of cloth.

The little fatty had not made a sound since they fell from the cliff. Xiao Ying looked at him worriedly and asked, "Are you okay? Are you feeling any discomfort anywhere else?"

The little fatty did not answer, moving his body with difficulty towards the inside of the cave.