I am You-Know-Who

Xiao Ying went along with her words. "How could I possibly not know? Right, Xiao Ruoxuan?"

Xiao Ruoxuan's face flushed red as she dragged her roommate outside. Just as they were about to leave, Xiao Ying said lazily, "Because I am You-Know-Who."

Her roommate looked at Xiao Ruoxuan in disbelief.

Xiao Ruoxuan looked at her roommate with malice and said angrily, "You talk too much."

With that, she turned and left.

Immediately afterward, the bell rang.

Xiao Ying calmly dismissed the class and left as well.

After the students found out about the great accomplishments of You-Know-Who, they were even more stunned.

They would probably remember today's class for the rest of their lives. It had been way too exciting.

After Cheng Yang returned to the office, he sent people to dig up the students who had been defaming Xiao Ying on the forum.

All of them were dealt with swiftly, and not even Zhou Yao's roommate was spared.