Online Teaching

She spent two hours recording the first lesson and carefully explained the entire procedure for the limb repair technique and rehabilitation process.

Because there was technological equipment involved during the rehabilitation process, it would be very difficult for medical students to do it alone.

Hence, Xiao Ying had spent an hour filming the production process of the rehabilitation equipment.

Xiao Ying posted the two videos on Weibo.

She then notified the people who had emailed her as well as the principal of University A.

Previously, Xiao Ying had never really used Weibo. This was her first time posting on it.

After uploading the videos, she did not pay them any more attention.

After taking a moment to relax, she slowly packed her things and tidied up the equipment she had used for the lesson.

Xiao Ying opened the secret door in the study.

Inside was a large bookshelf filled with various folders.