Irresponsible Professor

He cleared his throat and continued, "Do me a favor. I'll leave your Senior Brothers' and Sisters' research reports for you to review."

With that, he threw the documents to Xiao Ying and slipped away at the speed of a hundred-meter sprint.

Xiao Ying grabbed the report in her hand in a panic and stood, stunned.

The graduate students heaved a sigh of relief. They didn't feel embarrassed about letting Xiao Ying tutor them. In fact, they felt lucky.

Previously, Xiao Ying had also been constantly dragged over by professors to substitute during their lectures.

Compared to the professors' thunderous method of teaching, Xiao Ying was like a gentle breeze.

Most importantly, every time the professors' main ideas were written like heavenly scriptures, Xiao Ying was always able to explain them in layman's terms easily.