Wen Jing's Entrance

However, she thought of something and her heart leaped. She went forward with a worried expression.

Mother Cheng looked at her with a satisfied expression and said, "You're still the sensible child. Don't worry. With me around, only you can enter the Cheng family."


After Xiao Ying left the Cheng manor, she didn't know where to go. She could only walk back the way she came.

This place was rather remote. She couldn't even get a taxi.

She left because she was unhappy, but more importantly, she didn't want Cheng Yang to fall out with his family because of her. Leaving would be the best option.

A beep sounded from behind her and she turned around.

A flashy red convertible followed her. In the driver's seat was an arrogant young man with dyed red hair.

The youth looked up at Xiao Ying and said, "Beauty, where are you going? Let me give you a lift."

Xiao Ying shook her head in refusal.