Don't Leave Him

"Xiao Ying, only in front of you does he talk and laugh and act like a normal person. If you discover something one day, promise me that you won't leave him, okay?"

Cheng Ya held Xiao Ying's hand tightly and looked at her expectantly.

Xiao Ying felt a pain in her hand. She endured it and asked, "What will I find?"

Cheng Ya paused and let go of her.

She said, "Anyway, you must not leave Cheng Yang. No matter what happens. Otherwise, he will go crazy."

Cheng Ya could tell that Cheng Yang really liked Xiao Ying, which was a good thing and a bad thing for them.

Once Xiao Ying left Cheng Yang, he would not be able to live.

Xiao Ying was baffled. She wanted to ask questions, but she did not know where to start.

Cheng Ya wiped the sorrow from her face and said, "Xiao Ying, let's go."

With that, she got up and left.

Xiao Ying could only follow.

Cheng Ya sent Xiao Ying back to her apartment.